2020 Home for the Holidays

Page 46 2020 Home for the Holidays LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 25, 2020 Continued n tortillas, make some homemade chips, and put out four kinds of salsa and queso. Everything is better with Queso (that’s nacho cheese for those who don’t know. But not the generic kind; the homemade stuff) https:// dinnerthendessert.com/queso-dip/ If you have any high school or college graduates in the family, make what you were going to make for them as a celebration. This will probably be a lot of appetizers. Experience tells me graduates love to eat a bunch of appetizers so they can leave with as few leftovers as possible. Finally, get a birthday cake. Being an adult means buying a cake whenever you want, and I think this year made adults out of all of us, whether we wanted it or not. And put on a party hat. There’s two ways to share all of this food. Either way, you want to assign everyone that would have been at your table to a recipe or two, depending on how many people would have been involved. Then you have a decision to make. First choice, have everyone make a large quantity of their assigned foods. Then split it up into the two dozen plastic containers that everyone has on hand at any given point in time. Think about your cabinet right now. You know you have too many containers, and you’re not sure where they came from. You even have an excuse to let people keep them afterwards. Then you pick a time and a place where everyone can gather in their cars to split up the goods. It’s going to feel a little weird, like a clandestine meeting with Deep Throat. The goal is that everyone still shares their food, spends as little time together physical as possible, and then leaves. At most, you can eat together but separately, breathing the air in your vehicle and no one else’s. Alternatively, and I would prefer this method, everyone makes what they want from their list, sits at their own table, and eats together over Zoom or Skype or something along those lines. If you really want to, you can still cook the food at the same time in completely separate places and watch each other do it. We live in the future - the Star Trek style communication screen of my childhood is real. Why don’t we use it? It’s tailor made for avoiding dangerous stuff in the middle (like