2020 Worship Guide

Page 20 2020 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS December 2, 2020 famous song, “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas.” Bing sings this classic Christmas ballad as the movie comes to a happy ending. But, if you remember the movie, it didn’t start that way. The storyline starts in the tumultuous days of World War II. But after making it through those challenging years, the movie moves on to post-war life. Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye team up as partners in show business. The partnership begins well, but then confusion and trouble strikes. They hit the wall of some big problems as Christmas approaches. Sound familiar? Christmas is a season that is supposed to be filled with joy and laughter but with everything going on in society it doesn’t feel joyous. As I write this we are experiencing another wave of Covid-19 and many states are being told to lockdown...again! One character in the movie, General Waverly, seems to embody perseverance, but hopelessness also fits too. A warm winter with no snow meant no guests in his lodge and no revenue to keep it going. Every plan he puts his hand to fails - even the army didn’t want him back. With an exhausted bank account he feels unwanted and at the end of his rope. Interesting isn’t it - how art imitates life and how life can wear you down to the point of hopelessness. But again, here is why God’s Word is so vital. The people of Israel and Judah were scraping by in life like General Waverly...perhaps like you? They were hurting and hopeless. Life CONTINUE