Page 4 2020 Education Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS FEBRUARY 20, 2020 A child’s development is one of the most amazing processes to watch and articipate in. The cognitive abilities, movements, physical skills, speech, word and language acquisition, complex and concrete thought, conscience and moral aptitude, empathy, obedience and so many more diversified skills reflect the incredible complexity of the human mind, and the adaptability of the human body. Schools were developed to assist in the development of each child’s potential, to expose their “receptors” to concepts beyond those commonly found at home and with family, to learn alongside peers, to gain knowledge and skills from highly trained adults who carefully plan and energetically teach at various levels to bring about a renaissance of development. If observed carefully, parents will notice that the child who comes home each day from school is not the same child that left that morning! Teachers and coaches inspire, invoke, and take a child’s imagination captive to lead them to new heights of learning and achievement. A structure of rules, rewards, and discipline help channel a child’s behavior and energies to the most productive channels. And although the students all go through the same processes and are exposed to the same ‘lessons,’ they all turn out to be unique and highly diversified. And while we still await the perfect, schools continue to adapt and change with the times and technology and adopt new methods of communication and presentation to bring about better results, train better future citizens, and create higher achieving adults. All this and more is the core value of our schools. Day after day and year after year, the teachers, administrators and coaches work tirelessly to contribute to our children’s future, teaching them first what to think, then in later development, how to independently think. It is in short, an amazing process. In this magazine we attempt to tell just a few of the stories that are going on in education in Logan County. Our appreciation and thanks go out to these professionals who shape the minds and hearts of our youth. By Jim Youngquist