2021 Education magazine

Page 18 2021 Education Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS February 18, 2021 As the blog post “What Students and Colleges Faced During the Pandemic” concluded, “Both students and colleges found ways to be creative and resilient and even considered or engaged in practices that could make the U.S. higher education more equitable.” [Angela Reiners] Resources: Brandman University. “5 Benefits of hybrid learning for adults going back to school” Brandman University, 10 Jan. 2019. https:// www.brandman.edu/news-and-events/blog/ benefits-of-hybrid-learning-for-adults Clark, Cole et al. “The Hybrid Campus: Three major shifts for the post-COVID University” Deloitte Insights. 2021. https://www2.deloitte. com/xe/en/insights/industry/public-sector/post- pandemic-hybrid-learning.html. Cowell, Paul. “COVID-19 has changed university teaching-here are five things to stick with in the future,” The Conversation, 28 Jan. 2021. McDaniel, Christy et al. “Student and Faculty Experiences with Emergency Remote Learning in Spring 2020.”Ithaka S+R , 22 Oct. 2020. https://sr.ithaka.org/publications/student-and- faculty-experiences-with-emergency-remote- learning-in-spring-2020/ Schaffhauser, Dian.“Hybrid Model to Expand from Learning to Campus Services,”Campus Technology, 1 Feb. 2021. https:// campustechnology.com/articles/2021/02/01/ hybrid-model-to-expand-from-learning-to- campus-services.aspx