2019 fall farm

2019 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News Nov. 1, 2019 Page 13 • 2006 -- In an aggressive climate statement, Former Vice President Al Gore predicted that the north polar ice cap would completely melt because of “Global Warming.” • 2017 -- UN General Assembly President Marla Fernanda Espinosa stressed that we have only eleven years left to avert a total climate disaster, predicting the end of the world. • March 2019 -- U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez presented a bill for legislation called the “Green New Deal,” a bold and costly plan to stem the twelve year countdown to the environmental destruction of the planet. • September 2019 -- Sixteen-year-old Swedish student and activist Greta Thunberg expectations for Logan County Story by Jim Youngquist presented a moving speech at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, lighting a firestorm of student protests across the world to turn the climate change destruction around, with students shouting “Do Something!” Thunberg has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Climate change is in the news and in the minds of people these days as the barrage of Climate News and scientific climate models has come at an increased pace, and has in recent months induced climate panic and even desperation in some people. The current climate change model predicts an increase of extreme weather across the globe, rising sea levels, dwindling food Continue 8