2021 Fall Farm

Page 36 2021 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Lincoln Daily News Oct. - Nov. 2021 ust outside of Atlanta on windy Red Haw Hill, the Ron Kindred family is wrapping up its crop season. The multi-generation farm was established in 1910 and is now operated by Ron, wife Jayne and son Jay. The hilltop farm has one of the highest elevations in Logan County and offers splendid views of nearly the whole county looking south “on a clear day you can see Elkhart Hill,” Jayne said. And you can see a long way westward. The Kindred family has practiced conservation methods on the land from the beginning. Jay said grandpa terraced the hillside to the north, which prevents erosion of soil and runoff of nutrients. One small section to the west is kept in soybeans as it is too steep to cultivate corn. The 1,600 acreage is 50/50 corn and soybeans and they alternate crops each year. Rotation reduces the amount of nitrogen needed. Soybeans fix nitrogen into the BY JAN YOUNGQUIST J On the farm with the Kindred family A splendid southwest view Jay Kindred Continue 4