2019 Spring Home & Garden

PAGE 12 2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 I n Logan County we sit in the heart of a number of potential natural disasters including tornado, straight line winds and earthquakes. While the ultimate goal of any homeowner should be to take precautions to protect your family, pets, and home BEFORE disaster hits, there is still going to be that probably that at some time during your career as a homeowner you will have to deal with what to do AFTER the storm passes. There is plenty of advice offered through the internet and YouTube. We went through dozens of videos and picked out a few that we think will give you a heads up for what to do and how to do it when you become the victim of a natural disaster or a fire. We also found a good website – Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford that offers a lot of information that could be useful in By Nila Smith CONTINUED u How to recover after disaster strikes