2019 Spring Home & Garden

PAGE 16 2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 If the fire is larger, you will find that though it may have been contained to your kitchen, it had an impact on the adjoining rooms in your home as well. Smoke and smell will travel the way the air flows naturally through your home, so depending on the severity of the fire, be prepared to find messes in other rooms in the home. Additionally, in a large home fire, some of your furnishings may be salvageable. If items are smoke damaged but otherwise okay, then you can take on some of those furniture cleaning projects yourself. For your wood surfaces and other furniture here is a video to help you out. How to Clean Soot off Furniture No one wants you to have to use this information, but if the worst occurs, remember it is always better to be well informed and over uninformed. Giving these videos a look- see now may help you avoid the panic of the aftermath in the future.