2020 pet magazine

Page 40 2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 Animal stories How did you find your cat? My favorite cat ever, “Squeak, ” who is still with us, showed up at our back door with the wife and 4 kittens in tow. His wife looked like she was starving, emaciated, and irritable. MYWIFE decided to feed them, despite my pleadings against it. I told her they would never leave! When MYWIFE put the food down, Squeak let his wife and the kids eat first and have their fill before he went up to the bowl. Definitely a gentleman. That impressed us. After eating, Squeak’s wife was still irritable and often took it out on Squeak, blaming him for their homelessness. He took the abuse and stood by them all. The neighbor across the street adopted one of the kittens, leaving three. MYWIFE found homes for the other three kittens and the “wife,” and we adopted Squeak. Unbeknown to us, Squeak came with a genetic disorder called Feline Dysautonomia, and through the years we have almost lost him and have to watch him and treat his symptoms before they become acute. Although he has cost us a mountain of money in vet bills, his character and behavior are sterling and he makes sure that we know he loves us. But his heart is still for the open road…. “ Squeak snoring on the couch We got them from Ruby’s Rescue in McLean. She takes in all kinds of cute babies. The owner went into a coma/ hospice, so they needed a new home. I couldn’t stand the thought of them being separated, especially since Pres- ton is deaf and relies on the others. The owner must have been amazing! They are all so good! “ Jeannie Bakken “ Jasmine, Preston and Truman. A gift from Ruby’s Rescue