Official Publication of
changes to the Assessment rolls for the townships of Lake Fork,
Laenna, Aetna, Oran, Atlanta, Mt. Pulaski, Chester, East Lincoln,
Eminence, Elkhart, Broadwell, West Lincoln, Orvil, Hurlbut, Corwin,
Sheridan and Prairie Creek, in the County of Logan, State of
This publication is made in
accordance with Chapter 120, Section 103 of the Revenue Code Act
The property number, next to
each name, is the legal description of the property. The total
assessment is the 2015 assessment.
The assessed values shown are
subject to revision by the Board of Review on complaint as provided
in Chapter 120, Section 108 of the Revenue Act (35ILCS-205/108).
They are also subject to equalization by the Board of Review as
provided in Chapter 120, Section 146 of the Revenue Act (35
ILCS-205/146). The three year level of assessment for Logan County
is .3172.
Local equalization by township
was also performed this year on non-farm, farm homesite and farm
home property. Equalization factors were determined according to the
States Sales Ratio Study. The equalization factors for the townships
of Lake Fork, Laenna, Aetna, Elkhart, Broadwell, Hurlbut, Corwin,
Sheridan and Prairie Creek is 1.07. The equalization factor for the
townships of Mt. Pulaski and Chester is 1.07. The equalization
factor for the township of East Lincoln is 1.03. The equalization
factor for the townships of Eminence, Orvil and West Lincoln is
1.04. The equalization factor for the townships of Atlanta and Oran
is 1.03.
Pursuant to 35 ILCS
200/10-115, the farmland assessments for the 2015 assessment year
will increase by 10% of the preceding year’s median cropped soil
productivity index reduced by $5.00 per acre as certified by the
Illinois Department of Revenue with data provided by the Farmland
Assessment Technical Advisory Board resulting in a $15.33 per acre
increase for each soil productivity index.
Taxpayers who consider the
property incorrectly assessed, may file a complaint with the Logan
County Board of Review on or before January 15, 2016. The Board of
Review will be in session by appointment, at the Supervisor of
Assessments Office at 122 N. McLean St. in Lincoln, IL.
Final date to file complaints
for all townships will be January 15, 2016.
Denise K. Martinek
Chief County Assessment Officer
Lake Fork
Mt. Pulaski
East Lincoln
West Lincoln