Warning: The content of Hearsay and Hairspray is provided by Logan County hairstylists and barbers. Any deviation from fact is unintended but not entirely unexpected. Watch what you tell your stylist or barber.

Visionary in the making?

A 6-year-old girl decided to paint her nails pink and yellow for Easter.

Hairdresser: "Do you think that that will look good?"

Girl: "I looked inside my mind; it looked good!"

Hairdresser: "I wish I could do that!"

Girl: "Just close your eyes and look at it."

Hairdresser: "If only life were that simple, a lot of problems could be      solved a lot more easily."


Counting down early, ready for Christmas?

"You've heard of mail that goes astray and arrives at its destination years later," a daughter was telling. When she called her mom April 3 to exchange news, this was one of the first things her mother said:

"Got an interesting piece of mail. It was a newspaper. I didn’t realize the date on it when I opened it up. I turned it to the back, and there was a great big 12-page ad. It said something like 'Countdown to Christmas,’ and I said, 'What in the world is this?!' Then I looked at the date: December 21st, 1999. Right on time."


Not THAT bad!

An elderly woman was reminded over the phone by her credit union that it was time to order more checks. In assessing how often she needed to write a check, she really thought she could do away with them. When reminded in person, she responded, "Oh, I don’t think I’ll be needing them." The credit union woman looked shocked, then dismayed. Obviously thinking the worst, she patted the elderly woman’s hand, crooning "awwwww!"


Stormy weather is upon us

Some ladies swapped storm stories. It got down to how different family members usually respond when a storm is going on. The one lady said they were bringing their dog in because the storms bothered him. The dog had a strange behavior. "The dog would sit and stare at you when there was a storm going on," she said. "If you were in bed at night, you could feel him staring at you. One night our son woke us screaming. The dog staring at him made him think someone was in his room."

The dog sleeps outside now.



A new employee at LDN now holds the new record for setting off the building alarm the most times, alerting police twice in one week.



Thanks to the contributors for this column, including
Hair Headquarters ~ Hair Designers ~
Fabulous Hairstyles and Tanning ~ Hair Plus





LDN wishes no embarrassment to anyone. We hope each reader will be spurred to recognize the precious time and place we live in, and the good fortune to be where and who we are. May you be entertained, charmed and piqued to think goodly of our fellow friends and neighbors with whom we share this land known as Logan County, Illinois.



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