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    Display ads are designed to be positioned throughout the publication (except on classified and happy ads pages).  Display Ad size is measured in vertical inches by horizontal columns.  Our columns are 1 5/8" wide (on the printed page - 4 columns to a page).

LincolnDailyNews places fewer ads on a page, so your ad is more likely to be noticed!

A 1x ad is a real money-saving way to attract attention to your business or your business website.

1x1 [100x162]

1X2 [100X325]

1x3 [100x487]

1x4 [100x650]


A 2x ad helps build identity and allows the readers to see more of the details (words and pictures) you wish to impress on them.

2x1 [200x162]



2x3 [200x487]


2x4 [200x650]

  A 3x ad creates a lasting impression.

3x1 [162x300]

3x2 [300x325]]

3X3 [300x487]

3X4 [300x650]


Your 4x ad will dominate the page.  It is great for giving the reader some details about your business in your ad... listing and showing products, showing sale items, and even showing pictures of your sales staff.

4x1 [400x162]


4x2 [400x325]

4x3 [4002x487]

4x4 [400x650]