Letters to the Editor Supporting Bill Workman

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

        We in Logan County are fortunate to have a new program up and running that is having a tremendous impact on the Court system in Logan County.

        Logan County Teen Court is a sentencing diversion program for youthful first-time offenders. The young offenders who plead guilty proceed through Teen Court appearing before a jury of their peers. The juries, high school students from Logan County, decide on the punishment and impose the sentences to the defendants. Each defendant is represented by a defense attorney, also a high school student. A prosecuting attorney, who is a high school student as well, represents the state. If these offenders complete their sentence in a 60-day time frame they will not have a criminal record if they stay out of trouble for a year.

        In the past year the Logan County Teen Court program has heard many cases involving juvenile offenders, thereby freeing up the Court system for more serious offenders. This not only saves tax dollars but it gives the Courts more time to spend on repeat offenders and other suspects that are a threat to our citizens.

        As Coordinator of Logan County Teen Court I would like to take the opportunity to thank Logan County State's Attorney Bill Workman for his tireless efforts in helping the American Legion Auxiliary get this program established. Many trips to Knox County to view their Teen Court Program were necessary and Mr. Workman mad those trips after work hours to assist us in putting our program together. He alos acts as a Legal Counsel, supplies us with judges each month for all cases and he, himself, has been at all 27 cases we have completed thus far.

        These cases are held in the evening once a month. He has given considerable time that involves work beyond what he does in his office on a daily basis. I wonder how many State's Attorneys would tak that much time out of their after work schedule to make this program happen and continue each month all year long. Mr. Workman believes in the program. He is committed to helping the your in our county and has a very good rapport with each and every student involved with the program.

        Not only is this program of great benefit to the Court system, it is also extremely important for our youth. The student volunteering as the jury, defense attorney, prosecuting attorney, bailiff and clerk all learn important lessons from this program. The defendants, sentenced by a jury of their peers, are learning lessons from the crimes that they have committed. Our community will see yet untold benefits of this program.

        Thanks to State's Attorney Bill Workman a dream has come true for me. A "Teen Court" to help teenagers in trouble has been established and is making a difference in the lives of our youth.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Dorothy Morrow
Logan County Teen Court Coordinator