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"Get Noticed" Program
24 Ad insertions - every day (6 days a week) for 4 weeks.
You pay for 15 insertions at a deeply discounted rate.
1"  $   41.25 11"  $ 453.75
2"  $   82.50 12"  $ 495.00
3"  $ 123.75 13"  $ 536.25
4"  $ 165.00 14"  $ 577.50
5"  $ 206.25 15"  $ 618.75
6"  $ 247.50 16"  $ 660.00
7"  $ 288.75 17"  $ 701.25
8"  $ 330.00 18"  $ 742.50
9"  $ 371.25 19"  $ 783.75
10"  $ 412.50 20"  $ 825.00
[Same ad inserted in publication each day]
Display Ad Rates  "/column inch
1 Open Ad Rate (less than 10"/month)  $           7.50
2 Monthly Volume  10 to 199 Inches  $           6.00
3 Monthly Volume 199 to 499 inches  $           5.00
4 Monthly Volume 500 + inches  $           4.00
Colors are always included at no extra charge.
5 Consecutive Day Run
First Day at Volume Rate, each consecutive  50% discount
Day 50% off.  Consecutive Days count
50% toward volume commitment.
6 "Get Noticed!"
Everyday [Mon-Sat] in LDN for 4 Weeks  $           2.75
No copy changes allowed during 4 week run.
7 Front Page Ad  =base rate * 2
Premium Ad space (upper left corner & 
second column).
8 Link Your Ad to Your Website….
Click-Connect to Website at LDN  $           1.00
Click-Connect to Website Elsewhere  $           2.00
9 Business Website Hosting
Up to 10M Data [per month charge]  $         25.00
(except E-commerce sites)
10 Virtual Domain Hosting
Your virtual Domain hosted on
LDN Server [rate per month]  $         15.00
11 Website Construction
Basic Site with Graphics -per page  $       150.00
Custom features/custom design available at an extra charge.


Courier Display Ad Rates
 "/column inch
1 Open Column Rate  $            9.48
2 Contract  -under 8 inches  $            8.39
3 Contract -8 to 24 inches  $            7.26
4 Contract -25 to 39 inches  $            7.06
5 Contract -40 to 74 inches  $            7.00
6 Contract -75 to 109 inches  $            6.90
7 Contract -110 to 149"  $            6.49
8 Contract -150 to 199"  $            6.28
9 Contract -200 to 274"  $            6.13
10 Contract -275 to 374"  $            5.77
11 Contract -375 to 499"  $            5.51
12 Contract 500 to 629"  $            5.36
13 Contract -630 to 764"  $            5.10
14 Contract -765 to 899"  $            4.74
15 Contract -900 & over  $            4.53
16 Consecutive Day Rate  50% discount
Ads accrue 50% size rate toward contract
17 Skip Day Rate  30% discount
Ads accrue 70% size rate toward contract
18 Business Builder  $            3.04
Courier 15, Shopper 4 insertions.
[ No copy changes allowed.
Additional Ad Colors
19 1 Additional Color  $        105.00
20 2 Additional Colors  $        135.00
21 3 Additional Colors  $        175.00