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The mission of Lincoln Daily News is to tell the stories of Logan County in a contemporaneous manner, with lively writing and a predilection for simple truth fairly told. Lincoln Daily News seeks a relationship with the good people of Logan County that is honest, neighborly and never patronizing. Lincoln Daily News presents news within a full context that contributes to understanding. Lincoln Daily News is more interested in the marketplace of ideas than the competition of personalities. Without shrinking from the bold delivery of unvarnished fact, Lincoln Daily News operates from the premise that God's creatures deserve the presumption of right motive. Lincoln Daily News eschews malice and cynicism; it approaches every person with dignity and every subject with equanimity. In short, Lincoln Daily News informs, stimulates and entertains.


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Our staff:
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Letters to the editor

Thanks to all who helped "Relay for Life" raise over $56,000


To the editor:

On behalf of the Logan County Unit of the American Cancer Society, we would like to say "thank you" to everyone who helped make the third annual "Relay for Life" a huge success. A record number of 96 survivors participated in the Survivor Walk.

Thanks to Marilyn Wheat and 41 Logan County youth for helping make the first overnight relay possible. Students from Carroll Catholic Grade School, Lincoln Community High School and Lincoln Christian College and Seminary participated. Cancer never sleeps!

It was because of all volunteers, participants, supporters, sponsors and media (including lincolndailynews.com) that we were together able to raise over $56,000. Many entertainers gave of their talents all day Saturday. "Relay for Life" is about a community that takes up the fight against cancer. Together we can make a difference!

The support of our great community will allow the American Cancer Society goals for year 2015 to become a reality. The goals are to reduce age-adjusted cancer mortality by 50 percent and cancer incidence by 25 percent; also, to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors, and to save five million lives. "Relay for Life" supports these goals.

Those interested in more information about the Logan County Unit of the American Cancer Society may pick up a Logan County A.C.S. resource brochure at Family Medical Center, Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital or the Logan County Health Department. You may call any A.C.S. board member or call the American Cancer Society office at 800-252-5302.

Thanks again.

Mary Ellen Martin
and Kathy Blaum, co-chairmen









Local resident expresses approval of reunification of a father and son


Dear editor:

I would like to express in the most profound sense my gratitude to U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and to the President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, for their resolve in bringing Elian Gonzalez out of his great-uncle Lazaro's custody, and into the custody of his father Juan, who is the legal and rightful primary caregiver of little Elian. The INS tactical field officers responsible for securing the safety and custody of Elian Gonzalez performed in a most professional manner, and I salute these men and women in uniform. To the men and women in blue on the volatile streets of Little Miami I offer a heartfelt thank you for a job well done in maintaining law and order. I would like to point out that the mayor of Miami has been anything but helpful in reuniting Elian with his father Juan, and has used his office as a bully pulpit for inciting the Cuban-American community to rally around the home of Lazaro, Elian's great-uncle, and in doing so raised the level of tension to an unwelcome level.

The Miami family of Elian bears the brunt of criticism and responsibility for the way that Elian was transferred out of their custody and into the U.S. Border Patrol's hands. This family defied the laws of the U.S. government, and in doing so brought about the drastic actions required by U.S. marshals, actions which were executed not only upon themselves but little Elian as well. The family stonewalled at each and every turn of events and continually raised the bar ever higher during Justice Department negotiations. Additionally, legal rulings viewed unfavorably by the Miami family went unheeded. Shame on this family for their selfish conduct, and shame on the Cuban-American community for their complicity in tactically surrounding the home where Elian stayed. This strategy raised legitimate concerns within the local and federal levels of law enforcement agencies with regard to the fact that the crowd could very well ignite in violence over the taking of Elian from the home of his great-uncle Lazaro.

Allow me to take this opportunity to publicly chastise in the sternest possible terms the "family values" organizations across this nation that have been abjectly silent about the rights of a father to be united with his child. As Yogi Berra might say, "Their silence is deafening!" I have lost much respect for these "family values" groups as they put their own political agendas above the higher cause of a family's right to remain intact. Shame on them. These organizations have brought discredit upon themselves and have diminished their causes in the process.

I have been in Elian's father's shoes, and know from past experiences what it is like to be denied not only rightful custody of my own child, but to be denied visitation rights as well.

As the great state of Missouri has imprinted upon their license plates: S-H-O-W M-E. Yes, indeed, when all is said and done, I want the good folks that are espousing what is in the best interest of little Elian to do just that...SHOW ME, don't tell me.

From the been there, done that club,
Perry K. Harris


Compliments on LDN pictures
and copy layout


To the editor:

I wanted to take a moment to pass on my compliments on LDN. LDN allows me to keep up with hometown news without the time delay and expense experienced with a subscription to the hometown newspaper. The crisp pictures and clean copy layout are a refreshing change from the clutter and cramming of many Internet pages.

Keep up the great service.

Darwin Runyon


"LDN is just great!"


Dear editor:

I've suggested LDN to relatives in Tennessee and California as well as friends in Texas, and they enjoy LDN. I enjoy the little things such as the improvement on the layout of page one so I can print it out without cutting off the lines, and the addition of the graphics in Hearsay and Hairspray is a delight, especially the dog wagging its tail!

I click on to LDN daily. It's the highlight of my day.

Maxine Seggelke


Former Logan County residents enjoy LDN in retirement


To the editor:

Just want you to know how much we are enjoying your Web site. My husband was in business in Beason for many years and I worked in Lincoln, so we like keeping in touch with Lincoln and Logan County.

Currently, we live in Bemus Point, New York, for six months and in Winter Haven, Fla., for six months – best of both worlds. Retirement is great.

Wanda and Jack Southern






Please send your letters by e-mail to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or by U.S. postal mail to:

Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

Letters must include the writer's name, telephone number, mailing address and/or e-mail address (we will not publish address or phone number information). Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to reduce their size or to correct obvious errors. Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for any reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as many acceptable letters as space allows. 


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