George W. Bush Pictures
Page 3

[A men's chorus introduced by Congressman Ray LaHood entertained the crowd as they waited.]

[Officer Rich Montcalm of the Lincoln Police Department was on duty to make the Presidential candidate's visit a safe one.]

[The train preceding George W. Bush and Dick Cheney's whistle-stop in Lincoln rattled through to rev the gathered crowd.]

[Disabled veterans were first in line to greet Bush and Cheney.]

[The New Wine band struck up a tune for the arrival.]

[People waved and cheered as the train approached.]

[Governor Ryan spoke first when the train stopped.]

[Dick Cheney and his wife waved from the train as it pulled into the depot.]

[Dick Cheney spoke second in the whistle-stop visit.]

[The crowd listened attentively to Presidential candidate George W. Bush's speech.]
Click here to see Page 4 of George W. Bush pictures

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