Christian Church
N. McLean
Preaching Minister:
Tom Gerdts
8:30AM & 11:00AM
Episcopal Church
402 Pekin St.,
Pastor: James Cravens
7:30 & 9:45AM Sunday
9:00AM Tuesday-Friday
Lutheran Church ELCA
1409 Pulaski St., Lincoln
Pastor Joe Bleakley
9:00AM Sunday
Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church-Missouri
205 Pulaski St.,
Pastor Mark Carnahan
Pastor Kirk Cunningham
8:00 & 10:30AM Sunday
7:00PM Wednesday
United Methodist Church
302 Broadway St., Lincoln
Pastor: Larry Maffett
Sept-May: 8:30 &
June-Aug: 9:00AM
Web site: www.gbgm-umc.org/
Pentecostal Church
1422 Pekin St.,
Pastor: David Mitchell
10:45AM & 6PM Sunday
Sunday School 10AM
7PM Wednesday
To inquire
about listing your congregation's worship information, please e-mail us
at ldn@lincolndailynews.com
or call us at 217-732-7443. |
strong foundation in history with a vision
for the future
portrait of Zion Lutheran Church
19, 2000] The
members and leaders of Zion Lutheran Church in Lincoln are strongly
united in their dedication to the history of their church and its
theological traditions but are not content to live in the past.
During my recent visit, many members of the congregation expressed
their desire to use their rich heritage as a springboard for
evangelism and outreach into the community. As the mission statement
of the congregation puts it, their goal is to "Share Christ's
love with every generation," and it is clear they are seeking
to do that in several ways.

worshipped and studied at Zion Lutheran on Sunday, Aug. 6, and met
many congregants who were very firm in their Christian faith and
Lutheran heritage. As Dave Opperman expressed it during Sunday
School, "I believe the whole Bible is preached here. There are
few churches left that preach exactly what the Bible teaches and
don't distort its message." Mark Hunsley, the teacher of the
class which studies the Scripture used in morning liturgy, noted the
historical grounding of Zion's teaching and preaching when he said
that the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, of which Zion is a member
congregation, "preaches salvation through faith in Jesus
Christ," and is dedicated to maintaining that message.
phrase "Sola Fides" which means "through faith
alone," was both the theological battle cry and the bulwark
upon which Martin Luther, the German monk and professor, built the
Reformation church which is his namesake. This phrase means that God
saves a sinner only through faith in Jesus Christ and not through
human effort or works. In early 16th century Germany, and all across
Europe, Luther and many others joined in a critique of the Roman
Catholic Church and an eventual break with that body, that resulted
in the Protestant Reformation. These protesters and reformers sought
to remove the moral and political corruptions that had become common
in the Roman church. Luther taught the importance of individual
responsibility and relationship with God through Christ, the
centrality of Scripture in the life and faith of the believer, and a
practical piety stripped of non-Biblical additions.

Lutheran is a living witness to a long, proud denominational
heritage. Lutherans from western and northern Europe have been part
of the American religious landscape since the nation's founding.
According to Senior Pastor Mark Carnahan, Lutheranism "has had
many splits and many mergers," and thus today there are several
distinct, though closely related, strands of belief and practice in
the United States. Zion Lutheran is part of the fellowship known as
the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, that has its roots in the
conservative German Lutheran churches of the Midwest. Missouri Synod
churches hold tightly to their profession and confession as found in
the Book of Concord. This "concord," or unity, rests on
the historic creedal statements of the universal church, Luther's
Small and Large Catechism, the Augsburg Confession and the Bible,
according to Rev. Carnahan. (The name "Concordia" affixed
to many Lutheran facilities and schools is a reference to and a
reminder of their concord on doctrine and faith.)
William Adam, a retired pastor and missionary who serves Zion as
assistant for visitation, noted that Missouri Synod Lutherans don't
"dilly dally" about doctrine or social issues, noting for
example, their strong stand against abortion. He said, "We are
known to stick to our guns theologically," even when other
churches are accommodating secular culture. He said the Missouri
Synod takes the first 11 chapters of Genesis "to be fact, not
myth," and has taken a strong stand for the inerrancy of
Scripture. According to Rev. Carnahan, while many church bodies
expend much time and energy debating such issues as abortion or
homosexuality, the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod believes the
Bible has already spoken clearly on these issues. He says that the
church should expend its energies helping the person struggling with
these challenges, but the issues themselves are not open for
theological debate.

Lutheran has a long history in Logan County, Illinois. In the 1850s
Lutheran and Reformed Christians worshipped together, but by the
1870s the Lutherans desired their own congregation and pastor. The
present congregation was formally organized in 1871 and originally
met in the Postville schoolhouse. In 1872 the church acquired
property at their present location on the corner of Pulaski and
Kankakee streets. In 1876 the congregation became affiliated with
the Missouri Synod. Their present sanctuary was dedicated in 1904;
the same year worship services in English were presented along with
the traditional German. The transition to a wholly English liturgy
took place in 1940.
its earliest years, Zion Lutheran has had a strong commitment to
church-sponsored schools and education. The first parochial school
teacher was called in 1892, and Zion Lutheran School continues as an
institution committed to Christian education to this day. This fall
there will be approximately 200 students enrolled in pre-school
through eighth grade. Several members and leaders noted the import
and the impact of Zion School not only for the church but also for
the community. Almost 60 percent of the students are non-Lutherans,
so the school is an important point of contact and outreach to many
families in the community. Steve Schumacher, a sixth grade teacher
and athletic director at the school, noted that the school and its
personnel "reach many non-Lutheran families through the
school." He noted that many families with children in Zion
School have become affiliated with Zion Church.
direction and future of Zion Lutheran are shaped by dedicated
members and pastors. Several members noted the importance of the
fellowship and loving concern they experience at Zion. Doug Sheley
told me, "I have been here (at Zion) my whole life. We have a
church family here, and love permeates this church." Dave
Opperman described a "Christian presence in purity" that
marks the Zion church.
pastoral staff at Zion is highly regarded by the members of the
congregation. Head Pastor Mark Carnahan was installed as 10th pastor
of the congregation in 1991. A native of Fort Wayne, Ind., Carnahan
began his pilgrimage toward the ministry in seventh grade catechism
class with his pastor. He graduated with a degree in education from
Concordia Teachers College in River Forest, Ill., and then received
his master of divinity degree from Concordia Theological Seminary in
Fort Wayne. He served congregations in Stewardson, Ill., and Ireton,
Iowa, before his call to Lincoln. Pastor Carnahan is joined in
ministry by Assistant Pastor Kirk Cunningham, who was called to Zion
two years ago to work with youth ministry and evangelism. Cunningham
is son of a pastor and is originally from Decatur. He studied at
Concordia College in St. Paul, Minn., and Concordia Seminary in St.
Louis. As noted earlier, Rev. William Adam serves the congregation
in his retirement through his ministry of visitation.

asked to characterize the mission and vision of the church, Pastor
Carnahan pointed to the congregation's mission statement, "To
share Christ's love with every generation." The church has
recently studied the changing demographics and environment of Logan
County and "must find ways for a traditional church to meet
modern needs," he said. He noted particular concern for
ministry to families and to the aging. He believes that if the
congregation will "remain true to Scripture," many will be
drawn to its message and ministry. The congregation must
"branch out with the gospel" and seek ways to meet the
needs of their neighbors and community. He believes that the
liturgical worship at Zion is a strong foundation for evangelism and
is an advantage in reaching the unchurched. For "as the church
worships, so the church believes," and can then share the
message of salvation in Jesus Christ, he said.
addition to broadening its evangelism and outreach to the community,
Zion is planning to supplement and remodel some of its buildings to
facilitate its ministries. Future plans might include a translucent
roof covering the courtyard between the sanctuary and educational
building. There is also discussion of improvements for the
fellowship hall, providing modern nursery facilities and elevator
service for greater access for the aged and disabled. The church is
also considering expansion of classroom space on both the church
campus and the school campus.
evidence of the vitality of the congregation, Carnahan noted that he
has more congregants willing to teach Bible classes than present
space allows. This seems to be a pleasing problem for a church body
that has so highly valued both Biblical study and education through
the centuries. As Rev. Carnahan put it, "God himself is pleased
when the 'sheep of his pasture' gather to hear the Good Shepherd's
Seniors announce August program
Jolly Seniors group from Lincoln Christian Church invites those
55-plus to attend our monthly meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 22, at 10
a.m. at the church Fellowship Center, 205 N. Hamilton St. You will
experience a warm fellowship with people who care for one another,
an enjoyable time filled with great food, fun, interesting programs
and a spiritual lift to encourage you in your life. This month's
program will feature the musical Gates Family from Bloomington. They
will be performing Southern Baptist Gospel music. Gary Hall,
professor of Old Testament at Lincoln Christian Seminary, will lead
our devotion.
will also enjoy a meal prepared by Roy and Edith Slack. Suggested
cost for the meal is $4.
free transportation, please contact the church office at 732-7618.
church will have revival services
17, 2000] The
United Pentecostal Church of Lincoln, 1422 Pekin St., is having a
revival. Revival services are scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 20, through
Wednesday, Aug. 23, with services at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday
and at 7 p.m. the following days. The Rev. Jackie Lewis from
southeast Missouri will be preaching. For more information or a
ride, call 732-4662.

services to be this weekend
16, 2000] Evangelist
George McGregor from South Africa, one of the McGregor Brothers
Minister Team, who have ministered at the ongoing revival at the
Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Fla., will be leading
special revival services this weekend at Full Gospel Evangelistic
Center, 426 N. Monroe St. in Lincoln. The services will be Friday,
Aug. 18, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 19, at 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Aug.
20, at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
more information, go to www.fullgospelrevival.org.

Episcopal Church presents
12, 2000] The
Vestry of Trinity Episcopal Church presented Beth Bryant
with a Scholarship
to Life. Beth, a graduating senior, has been a very active member in
the life of the church, being involved in church school, as an
in Breakfast Club, musical programs for the holidays,
summer church camp, chairing Crop Walk, and in the pews at worship with her parish family.
It is for this faithfulness to her church and God that she has
received this gift. To Beth we are truly grateful, and wish her the
very best as she starts college this fall. We have truly been
blessed to have such a fine young woman in our midst.