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Letters to the Editor


The Lincoln Daily News publishes letters to the editor as they are received.
 The letters are not edited in content and do not necessarily reflect 
the views of the Lincoln Daily News.

Lincoln Daily News requests that writers responding to controversial issues address the issue and refrain from personal attacks. Thank you!


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Lincoln Daily News.com
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

TEL: 217-732-7443
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The mission of Lincoln Daily News is to tell the stories of Logan County in a contemporaneous manner, with lively writing and a predilection for simple truth fairly told. Lincoln Daily News seeks a relationship with the good people of Logan County that is honest, neighborly and never patronizing. Lincoln Daily News presents news within a full context that contributes to understanding. Lincoln Daily News is more interested in the marketplace of ideas than the competition of personalities. Without shrinking from the bold delivery of unvarnished fact, Lincoln Daily News operates from the premise that God's creatures deserve the presumption of right motive. Lincoln Daily News eschews malice and cynicism; it approaches every person with dignity and every subject with equanimity. In short, Lincoln Daily News informs, stimulates and entertains.


The articles published in Lincoln Daily News are the result of research and interviews.  Any opinions expressed are those of the writers.


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Lincoln Daily News provides daily news, sports, features and commentary on Lincoln, Logan County and the surrounding area. 

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Our staff:
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Don Buckner



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[to top of second column]









A breast-feeding metaphor
in a 'twisted society'


To the editor:

Recently a woman in Champaign County lost her son because she supposedly was forcing him to continue breast-feeding and slept with him. As an extended breast-feeder and co-sleeper myself, I was outraged by the actions of the state and wrote this metaphor to show how absurd our culture's view of the breast has become. It is so sad that everything that used to be innocent has now become perverse and everything that used to be considered perverse has now become innocent.

A Metaphor for the Perverted "Established Authority" and Today's Twisted Society

by Tonya Siltman

(an extended breast-feeder and co-sleeper)

"Department of Children and Family Services. May I help you?"

"Yes, I want to report a mother for child abuse."

"What is the mother doing?"

"Well, I can hardly say this, but when I was babysitting I witnessed her making her child eat… well, she was…"

"Yes, go on."

"She was forcing her child to eat…to eat broccoli!"


"Yes, it was so disgusting and I was so embarrassed!"

"Well, ma'am, I don't know if we can really do anything about a mother forcing her child to eat broccoli. Doctors have been saying for years now that broccoli is one of the best vegetables you can feed your child. They are full of vitamins and antioxidants."

"Yes, but the way broccoli is used these days. Surely you saw what Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman did with broccoli in their movie "Broccoli Wide Shut," and what about those routines exotic dancers do with broccoli? I have heard plenty of stories from all those men who put their diaper money down the dancers’ G-strings. You have not forgotten what the president and Monica did with broccoli! It was just so gross, you should have seen what this little boy looked like with a piece of broccoli hanging out of his mouth! When he finds out what broccoli is really used for he will be emotionally destroyed forever!"

"OK, ma'am, just relax. We will investigate."

(A few days later:)

"Yes, may I help you?"

"We are from The Department of Children and Family Services, and we need to investigate a report of sexual abuse."

"What! I don't sexually abuse my son!"

"I am sorry but we must come in and talk to your son, alone."

"Well, I guess so. After you talk to him you will see I have done nothing wrong."

"Billy, come here, hon, there are some people who want to talk with you."

"Yes, mommy?"

"Billy, these people want to ask you some questions."

"Hi, Billy. Just answer our questions honestly and everything will be fine.

"Does your mother make you eat broccoli?"


"Do you want to eat broccoli, Billy?"

"No! I hate broccoli!"

"Do you know what people do with broccoli?"

"Yes, they eat it."

"Not exactly, Billy. What your mother is doing is wrong, and you need to come with us. Come on, son."

"Mommy! No, I don't want to go! Please, mommy. No!"

"Oh Billy, it will be all right, honey! I will get this all worked out!"


Tonya Siltman


Great site


To the editor:

We are very pleased with the Lincoln Daily News site.  We are missionaries living in Papua New Guinea and have access to the Internet.  We visit this site almost daily to keep in touch with what is going on back "home."  Keep up the good work.  Thanks for your hard work in putting this site together.

Lori Urton

Papua New Guinea

Weather page


To the editor:

Is it a joke? I don't understand why the weather web page consists only of a photo of the Lincoln weather station. It looks as though you took no time in which to properly construct a serious web page. I am sure that the community expects more than what you have made available. I strongly urge you to take a closer look at your weather site and make some greatly needed improvements.

James L. Shelton

New Holland


Thank you for your input. We value our readers' responses. They are who we serve.

When we constructed the page we only intended to provide a link to a weather website. From time to time we have chosen to provide a local article that would be informative and stay there for a while.

I'm a weather purist. I just want to know what's going on where. With the link that is provided on that page you can get up-to-the-moment weather details for anywhere you can think of in the world just by clicking on the weather forecast.

I'm not sure what it is that you would like to see there.

We have removed the local article about the weather station.

I can see where the page could be dressed up with seasonal pictures, weather tidbits provided, and changed seasonally. Perhaps we'll do something more sometime in the future.

Thank you for your observation.

Jan Youngquist

Managing editor





Please send your letters by e-mail to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or by U.S. postal mail to:

Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

Letters must include the writer's name, telephone number, mailing address and/or e-mail address (we will not publish address or phone number information). Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to reduce their size or to correct obvious errors. Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for any reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as many acceptable letters as space allows. 


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