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                                   posted daily at 11am               

October 22, 2010

Learning To Walk Again

[FEB. 5, 2000]   Jodi Higgins loves to swim. With a swimming scholarship to Lincoln College, she competes regularly in the 50- and 100-yard freestyle. When she is not in the pool, she can be found participating in 5K road races and working out at least two days during the week. But her regular workouts aren’t just for looks. She is tackling her most challenging sport yet—learning to walk again.


                                                [complete story]

               TOP STORIES

Washington-Monroe Jumps for Heart Health

[FEB. 5 2000]    Teachers, parents, students and alums at Washington-Monroe Elementary School pitched in to raise more than $1,000 for the American Heart Association Saturday. “This is the third year for the event,” said fifth-grade teacher Debbie Pettit, “and we have already exceeded our goal.”

                                              [complete story]







 Choosing child care

 Important decision for parents

[FEB. 4, 2000]  For Chip and Stephanie Schwarzentraub of Lincoln, choosing a day care program for their 5-month-old daughter, Sloan, was far from easy. The Schwarzentraubs aren't the first, and won't be the last parents faced with the difficulties of making a child care decision. There is however, a licensing program, implemented by the Department of Children and Family Services, to ensure that quality care is provided to every child in day care.

[complete story]


Other News --


- Community ownership needed by the EDC

- Tis the season to give or receive 



Readers' Poll

Which of the following African Americans has had the most positive, lasting influence on American society?

Please select one of the options below:

Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Colin Powell
Michael Jordan

View Results









































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