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                                 posted daily at NOON               

October 22, 2010

Keeper of the Dream


[FEB. 10, 2000]   In commemoration of African American History month,  Jim Lucas, a nationally recognized orator, brought his one-man show, "Reflections," to Lincoln College earlier this week. His presentation included dramatic recitations and interpretive readings portraying the life and times of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

                                                                 [complete story]

               SPORTS TALK

Respect of the Worker Bee

[FEB. 10, 2000]   Imagine being a coach. Now imagine being a wrestling coach. You’re not doing it for a few years or even a decade or two. You’re the wrestling coach for thirty years. Not only are you the coach, but you’ve led your team to thirty consecutive winning seasons. I don’t care what sport it is or who you are, that’s impressive any way you slice it! I first met him back in 1989, and have found him to be a fine gentleman besides an outstanding coach. I met with him last week at his Lincoln Community High School office after he had time to reflect on the special occasion of his final regular season home dual meet.


[complete story]



Capstone Survey Reveals
Perceived Problems

Drugs, alcohol and domestic abuse stand out for community that generally likes itself

[FEB. 9, 2000]   The good news in the Capstone committee’s survey ["Lincoln Loves Library, 9-1-1, Fire Service"] is that Lincoln residents are generally very favorable toward their community. Most public services received a high rating. Dr. Ernest Cowles, from the University of Illinois at Springfield’s Center for Legal Studies, worked with Lincoln’s mayor and police department to prepare and conduct the survey. Cowles told a group of citizens assembled at Lincoln Community High School last night that, "In most communities we find much higher levels of dissatisfaction with public services."

[complete story]

Announcements --


- Birthday Party for Abe

- Heritage In Flight Museum

- Lincoln Church of God
"Renewing Your Vows"

- Lincoln Police Department

Other News --


- Mt. Pulaski Student L-I-V-I-D About Bees

- For Youth and For America

- Where They Stand on Central School



Readers' Poll

What should be done with Central School?

If you need more information on this issue see the comments on Where They Stand

Please select one of the options below:

Renovate it...
Replace it with a new building...
No opinion...

View Results












































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