About Lincoln Daily News


Letters to the Editor



Writers and Staff

Lincoln Daily News.com
601 Keokuk Street
Lincoln, IL 62656

TEL: 217-732-7443
FAX: 217-732-9630

Lincoln Daily News publishes daily news about the Lincoln/Logan County area on the Internet at www.lincolndailynews.com (We are not a print publication).  All subscriptions are free!

Our Mission:

The mission of Lincoln Daily News is to tell the stories of Logan County in a contemporaneous manner, with lively writing and a predilection for simple truth fairly told. Lincoln Daily News seeks a relationship with the good people of Logan County that is honest, neighborly, and never patronizing. Lincoln Daily News presents news within a full context that contributes to understanding. Lincoln Daily News is more interested in the marketplace of ideas than the competition of personalities. Without shrinking from the bold delivery of unvarnished fact, Lincoln Daily News operates from the premise that God's creatures deserve the presumption of right motive. Lincoln Daily News eschews malice and cynicism; it approaches every person with dignity and every subject with equanimity. In short, Lincoln Daily News informs, stimulates, and entertains.


The articles published in Lincoln Daily News are the result of research and interviews.  Any opinions expressed are those of the writers.


Please contact us by phone, fax, mail or e-mail with any information about mistakes, typos or erroneous information.  If the error is in an item which is still in the paper, we will correct it online immediately.  All corrections will be shown on the "Corrections" page.


Our Services:

Lincoln Daily News provides daily news, sports, features and commentary on Lincoln, Logan County, and the surrounding area. 

To promote local businesses, we offer display advertisements at very reasonable rates, and links to business websites.

Classified advertising for businesses and individuals is available for all the standards categories.  Submit your ads at our LDN office via phone, fax or in person. 

"Happy ads" are a special feature to enable our readers to celebrate birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and other good news.  Call us for details.


For employment information, contact Lincoln Daily News at their offices.

Our Staff:
Managing Editor:            Natalie Jeckel ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com

Copy Editor and Writer: Mary Krallmann

Technology Assistant:    Tyler Havlin thldn@lincolndailynews.com



Letters to the Editor



To the editor:

Roger and I have been on vacation for just a week, but we're constantly bugging the Lincoln kids with, "What's new?" Daughter Beth today told me about the Lincoln Daily News. What a great idea! I've just read my first edition, and will look forward to checking in frequently. Thanks!

Carolyn Webster



Dear Editor:

Keep us well informed please! We would like to see the honors and other things having to do with our kids in the schools and community kept up with if you can. Your efforts will pay off. Stay true to Him who created you!!

Yours in Christ,

Timothy E. Hibbs



To the editor:

Thank you so much for this great idea. I am from Lincoln but now live in Texas and am thrilled to be able to get real news, direct from my home town! Thanks for keeping us all in touch!

Thank you!

Shelly Heisner
Cedar Park, Texas



To the editor:

Thanks for the online news from Lincoln. I went to school and was raised there. I think it is so great to see the news from my home town. Keep up the good work.

Travis A. Kirk
Mcminnville, Ore.







To the editor:

I cannot believe anyone in Lincoln would want to tear down Central School. My parents went to that school from K-8, then went across the street to LCHS. I attended Central School for my entire grade school experience. I remember Mr. Hitchock, the principal; Mrs. Trigg, my kindergarten teacher; Mrs. Lemme my first grade teacher; and Mrs. Deiss, my third grade teacher.

Richard Hurley was my sixth grade teacher. Does he agree to have the building torn down? The last I heard he was on the city council. I remember the "Doublemint gum" with a label that said "Stick with Dick." Well, Dick, stick with Central.

There is nothing wrong with the structure. It probably just needs some updating. That school adds architectural history to Lincoln. Will Lincoln Junior High School be next?

The Logan County Courthouse is older than Central School; is it in line to be torn down? While we are at it, let's just tear down the Postville Courthouse (it's old) and the Lincoln Library, the fire station, the post office and the entire square.

Thanks to the Crisafullis for keeping some of the the Lincoln sites still standing. I was in Lincoln about a month ago and enjoyed my walk around town. It was nice to know that I come from a town with a history. Apparently some new people in town don't care about history.

All I have to say in the end is "Save Lincoln's beautiful buildings and locations."

If I can be of any help to save anything in Lincoln, feel free to contact me. Larry and Valecia, keep up the good work. You have many fans behind you that want to help. Just let us know how.

John Fisher


To the editor:

My sister, Donna, led me to your web site this morning. I am thrilled to be able to go on line and get the news from Lincoln, my home town! All of my family still lives in the area, but I have lived in the Washington, D.C. area for the past 28 years. Finally, I will be able to keep up on all the news from home. Thanks so much for this service.

Gary L. Sparks
Dumfries, Va.



Dear Editor:

We have been visiting your site. I would like to congratulate you on the graphics and the content. We are from Indiana but spend the winter months in Florida. Our connection with Lincoln is our son and family. Our grandson attends Zion Lutheran.

Jim & Pat Neal


Dear Editor:

Lincoln Daily News was a great idea put into action. What a great opportunity for local businesses to do some advertising and get your name out there on-line!! As a Marketing/Sales individual, I am always looking for new ways to reach area businesses and offer information about our business, so thanks for the link! Keep up the great work and congratulations on your continued success.

Diane Wibben
Midwest Records Storage, Inc.



To the editor:

Dean and I are pleased to see the Lincoln Daily News online! (We've been reading one of the neighboring papers on line just to try and see what all is going on back home.) We are in Northern Michigan and have been for 14 years; but want to keep up to date. Our family back home shares some...but it is good to read it right from the paper.

Thanks. We will be passing this information along to others of our family who are away from Lincoln.

God bless all you back home.

Bonnie & Dean Sanders


This is Bonnie & Dean Sanders writing again...I forgot to add that our e mail address is SAN3DB@aol.com for anyone who may want to get in touch.

Just be sure to put something in the subject line to let us know you're a "friendly".


Bonnie Sanders



To the editor:

I am originally from Lincoln and trying to move back there. Thanks to your web site, it will be much easier. I now can find a place to live and a job without having to travel back and forth. Keep up the good work. You're great.

John Fisher



Please send your letters by e-mail to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or by U.S. postal mail to:

Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

Letters must include the writer's name, telephone number, mailing address and/or e-mail address (we will not publish address or phone number information). Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to reduce their size or to correct obvious errors. Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for any reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as many acceptable letters as space allows. 

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