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                                 posted daily at NOON               

October 22, 2010


ALMH Opens Doors

New physical therapy quarters in use

[FEB. 16, 2000]  More than twice as much space, along with plenty of windows, is making treatment more pleasant for both patients and staff at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital’s Rehabilitation Services Department.

                                                                [complete story]

                 TOP STORIES

On the Right Track

Logan County Trail Coalition seeks support for new bike/walk trail

[FEB. 16, 2000]  Three persistent bicycling enthusiasts, Bert Rawlings, Mark Miller and John Sutton, all of Lincoln, began the movement for Logan County to have what already exists successfully at both ends of Illinois and all over the nation--an interconnected, clean and safe bike/walk trail.
                                       [complete story]


LDN Introduces Logan County Diaspora

Reuniting old friends --

[FEB. 15, 2000]  People all across this country and, in fact, around the world, claim roots in Logan County. They have very interesting stories to tell, and some of them like to connect with those of us who stayed at home. Logan County Diaspora publishes the stories of former Logan County residents. With their permission, we also include their e-mail addresses so that old friends might be reunited.


[complete story]

Announcements --

- Local Business People Meet with Legislators

- Chamber Announces Annual Dinner

- Woman's Club Board Reports

- Salvation Army Will Host Dinner for Volunteers


Other News --



- Local History, Story Times Make Library Special

- Lincoln Resident Takes Time to Make a

- Lincoln College Marks 135th Anniversary



Readers' Poll

What should be done with Central School?

If you need more information on this issue see the comments on Where They Stand

Please select one of the options below:

Renovate it...
Replace it with a new building...
No opinion...

View Results












































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