Service Is Our Business

[FEB. 18, 2000]  Help is available for those in need in Logan County. Lincoln provides many of the services that are needed by its residents. Some services are offered by providers in Lincoln, others are contracted with providers in neighboring towns, while still others are included under a regional umbrella that includes several counties. One thing is clear: service is Lincoln’s business.


Lincoln’s Capstone survey has generated a lot of interest in what is available in Lincoln. In the area of service, the following is an overview of places residents can go for help. Some of the available services are fee for service while others are income based or free. Crime was an area that concerned many residents, specifically in the areas of drug abuse, alcohol abuse and domestic violence. Although the people responding to the survey hoped that the number of these crimes could be reduced, victims currently need support.

The Logan County Domestic Violence Council is comprised of police agencies, social service agencies and the Logan County state’s attorney, circuit clerk and adult probation agencies that work together to protect victims from further abuse, neglect and exploitation. The Sojourn Shelter and Service is the part of this council that provides a safe place for women and children who are abused, abandoned or undergoing crisis.



Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Al-Alnon services are part of Lincoln’s "Recovery Community." Although there are not any inpatient treatment centers for drug and alcohol abuse in the county, there are some inpatient treatment centers in Springfield, such as the Triangle Center, Gateway, and Libertas at St. John’s Hospital that will accommodate Logan County residents.

Lincoln and Logan County offer a wide array of services. Individual agency brochures are available at the Logan County Health Department, the Department of Human Services and the Lincoln Public Library. Some of the agency’s telephone numbers are listed on the chart below.

The Rural Health Partnership of Logan County was established to improve the health and wellness of residents of rural Logan County. It includes youth prevention programs that address alcohol and drug use among rural Logan County youth. It offers a wide range of health, wellness and safety issues through mini-seminars for children and adults. A 36-foot mobile, handicapped-accessible health unit staffed by a nurse practitioner and public health nurse brings medical care directly into rural communities.



The Central Illinois Economic Development Corporation (CIEDC) offers adult day care programs that provide services in social recreational and health monitoring, as well as respite services for family members. It offers a Head Start program, energy assistance, loan and other community programs for residents who meet their criteria.

For parents in need of support, the Lincoln Parents’ Center is available for parents to share in the joys and challenges of parenthood. They provide direct services to parents and school personnel in Lincoln

United Cerebral Palsy of Land of Lincoln is a local organization dedicated to advancing the independence of people with disabilities. These individuals are encouraged to become as independent as they can be.

Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. provides free legal representation to low-income persons in certain types of civil cases involving five main areas of law housing, family law, public benefits, consumer and special education.

More than one provider or agency offers the same service in some instances. But most providers work with other agencies to avoid duplication and to offer the most comprehensive assistance to residents.

Editor’s Note: Over the next month LDN will take a closer look at each agency that offers assistance to residents of Logan County. If you have special knowledge of a specific organization or if you would like to share a success story, email LDN at with your information, complete with your name, address and phone number where you can be reached.


[Kym C. Ammons-Scott]


[Literature available at the Logan County Health Department at 109 3rd St., Lincoln]

Service Need/Group

Name of


Telephone #



UCP of Land of Lincoln

130 N. 16th St. Springfield, IL 62794






Energy assistance


Central Illinois Economic Development Corporation (CIEDC)

1800 5th St., Lincoln, IL 62656



Rural residents

Rural Health Partnership of Logan County

315 8th St.

Lincoln, IL 62656



ext. 409

Domestic Violence/


Logan County Domestic Violence Advisory Council






Others available


Domestic Violence/


Sojourn Shelter and Service, Inc.


24-hour Hotline



Alcoholics Anonymous/


Lincoln Recovery Community

Lincoln, Clinton, and Mason City locations. Call

24-hour Answering Service






Lincoln Recovery Community

Lincoln, Clinton, and Mason City locations. Call

24-hour Answering Service





Lincoln Recovery Community

Lincoln, Clinton, and Mason City locations. Call

24-hour Answering Service



Legal Assistance/ Everyone

Land of Lincoln

Legal Assistance foundation, Inc.

500 West Capitol

P.O. Box 2206

Springfield, IL 62705-2206






Car Seat Loan Program/infants/toddlers

Logan County Health Department

109 3rd Street P.O. Box 508

Lincoln, IL 62656



Financial & Medical Assistance/

Families with children

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program- DHS

Bureau of Client Inquiry Assistance

100 S. Grand Ave. East

Springfield, IL 62762







Living Alternatives

#5 Arcade Building

Lincoln, IL 62656



Foster Care/


Camelot Care Centers, In.

Catholic Social Service

Rutledge Youth Foundation

Youth Service Bureau



Call for address







Project Life

Area on Aging


Call for address




Logan County Health Department

109 3rd Street P.O. Box 508

Lincoln, IL 62656




Central Compromise

[FEB. 17, 2000]  Last night the Lincoln District 27 grade school board voted 4-3 to renovate the existing Central Elementary School building and add an additional wing to the school for a new cafeteria and gymnasium. In this same vote the board agreed to construct a new school building on Ralph Gayle Field.


Superintendent Robert Kidd stated this morning that he is thankful a decision has been made so plans can move forward. "It’s good we got a decision made so we can start the process to do what the board has directed," he said.

Kidd continued, saying this plan "is contingent upon moving a major sewer line." The board received assurance from sewage treatment plant superintendent Grant Eaton that it would cost no more than $500,000 to move the sewer line away from the new building site.

The next step is to prepare the proper grant funding to replace or renovate old schools by the April 1 deadline. According to Kidd, the best case scenario to get a referendum on the ballot would be on November 7. However, it could be as late as April. "If it passes we can get started," Kidd stated.


Board president Bill Bates believes the proposal offered something for residents on both sides of the issue, those interested in historical preservation and teachers, students, administrators, and parents in favor of building a new building.

The board did not specify how the renovated Central School and Lincoln Junior High School buildings would be used nor did the proposal specify which grades would be housed in the new building.


[Natalie Jeckel]

On the Right Track

Logan County Trail Coalition seeks support for new bike/walk trail

[FEB. 16, 2000]  Three persistent bicycling enthusiasts, Bert Rawlings, Mark Miller and John Sutton, all of Lincoln, began the movement for Logan County to have what already exists successfully at both ends of Illinois and all over the nation--an interconnected, clean and safe bike/walk trail.

This has been no easy task. "It took many county board meetings just to be taken seriously," explains Bert Rawlings, the spokesperson at last night's meeting. "It takes the support of a governing body to apply for grant money. Logan County is making this possible by working with us for grant money," says Rawlings. He continues saying, "We also have the support of Lincoln City Council and John Sutton has been working with Mayor Ritter and the city engineer."

Working together with other communities, they have proposed two areas of development, a centrally located main trunk and signed routes to nearby communities accessed by county roadways. The old interurban rail corridor, which runs along I-55, constitutes the proposed main trunk for a bike/walk trail. This trunk meets neighboring counties’ trails, Sangamon County to the south and McLean County to the north. Their trails are in various stages of development at this time.



The proposed Logan County portion runs from south of Elkhart to north of Atlanta. This is subdivided into three sections: south of Elkhart, Elkhart to Lincoln, and Lincoln to the north side of Atlanta. CILCO has given a verbal release for use of the section from Madigan State Park to Elkhart. This is the section, which will be developed first.

The main trunk will be built up with rock chips and asphalt. Asphalt makes the best surface for biking. The off-road access will provide safe riding and walking away from high risk motorized traffic. "No motorized vehicles (except motor assisted bicycles) are currently allowed on other state bike trails," a spokesperson for the Department of Natural Resources says.

Guided cycling routes diverting off the main trunkline are being proposed using county roadways and "almost all township roads" according to Rawlings. Initially these routes will be posted with signs directing walkers and bikers into the communities of Middletown, Broadwell, Elkhart, Mount Pulaski, and Chestnut. The communities will be start and stop trailheads. Ideas are flowing as to the benefits the connected communities can reap from such a bike route. "Hungry, thirsty cyclists hit up local businesses—the first thing they hit in town," a Middletown resident reported.



Jay Jessen, an engineering consultant, of Green and Bradford of Springfield, was on hand to explain some of the proposed costs and the processes necessary toward procuring grant funds. The one major cost will be for a bridge crossing Salt Creek just south of Lincoln. The estimated cost is $200,000 dollars. A grant fund is available to cover 80 percent of the cost. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the community would have to go 50/50 on the remaining amount. Therefore, approximately $20,000 would need to be raised for the bridge.

Total costs for the trail are not yet estimated, but the same grant is available for all stages of the trail. Communities are raising the funds for signs. Of the $1,000 dollars for signs county wide, only $300 is still needed for signs in the Elkhart area. While some fund raising is necessary, the costs will be nominal compared to the value it brings to the community.

There are already many committed to the protection and upkeep of the routes. The National Mountain Bike Patrol has said they will patrol the routes regularly providing roadside first aid and repairs.

The only concern expressed by anyone has been one of liability. While a serious consideration, it seems to be a nominal risk. At present no trail in Illinois has been held liable yet. The Civil Liabilities Act, however, provides protection.

Support by means of talking, going to community and county board meetings, and the willingness to participate in the planning developments is encouraged by all who are interested in seeing this happen. There is much to be done and something for everyone to do. Someone is needed to promote the Mount Pulaski to Elkhart segment.


[Jan Youngquist]

ALMH Opens Doors

New physical therapy quarters in use

[FEB. 16, 2000]  More than twice as much space, along with plenty of windows, is making treatment more pleasant for both patients and staff at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital’s Rehabilitation Services Department.


The new quarters on the first floor of the hospital’s west wing opened first thing Monday morning, looking fresh and bright with new flooring, furniture and wallpaper. The move from the old quarters in the basement of the hospital was made over the weekend, with many staff members pitching in.

According to Dolan Dalpoas, director of rehabilitation services, the new facility has 6,100 square feet, more than double the 2,600 square feet in the old basement location.

The gymnasium-like room which houses the cardiac rehabilitation department provides plenty of room for patients to ride their stationary bicycles and walk their treadmills. Five treatment rooms offer physical and occupational therapy patients a degree of privacy and comfort not available in the old basement quarters with its curtained cubicles.

Almost every room in the new wing has at least one window, in contrast to the old quarters where, staff members recall, nobody could see what the weather was like from early morning until closing time.


[New physical therapy room at ALMH]


Along with the cardiac rehabilitation and treatment rooms, the new site also has a spacious waiting area, a new and larger staff room, rooms for both the audiologist and speech/language pathologist, a hydrotherapy room with a power lift to help patients in and out of tubs, a pediatric treatment room and a model bathroom and kitchen to help occupational therapy patients who must relearn household living skills.


The kitchen, not yet completed, will be complete with a stove and refrigerator so patients will be able to actually cook meals as part of their rehabilitation.

The new pediatric treatment room, complete with toys, mats and colorful children’s wallpaper will allow children to receive therapy at the hospital for the first time. Previously therapists had no appropriate space and had to go offsite to treat children. The hydrotherapy room also offers plenty of privacy for patients. This equipment had formerly been housed in a corner of the staff room, Dalpoas said.

"With the extra space in the cardiac rehabilitation room, new equipment can be added," said exercise physiologist Jason Anhalt. Another treadmill and a recumbent bicycle are now on order.

The new quarters provide plenty of room for the staff, which includes five physical therapists and six physical therapy assistants, one occupational therapist and one assistant, an audiologist, a speech and language therapist, a wellness coordinator, four members of the cardiac rehabilitation department, the director and the office assistant. The staff serves approximately 50 patients a day.

"This would be a state-of-the-art facility no matter where you went," Dalpoas said. "It is a real achievement for a town this size to have a rehabilitation facility of this quality."

The public can tour the new quarters, along with the new surgery wing, at an open house to be held Sunday, March 26, from 2 to 4 p.m.

[Joan Crabb]

[Dolan Dalpoas showing new equipment at ALMH]

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