Commentary by Jeff Mayfield

Major league report: Midterm grades

Part 1

[JULY 20, 2000]  A few months ago this LDN reporter made some bold predictions about this year’s major league baseball season, and amazingly some of them have actually come true! This proves once again, conclusively, that if you make enough predictions you might actually stumble on a correct one every once in a while. Needless to say, it has been an exciting campaign so far. The St. Louis Cardinals are in first place by seven games over the Cincinnati Reds, and the Chicago White Sox have a double-digit lead over the Cleveland Indians in their respective Central Divisions. The Chicago Cubs managed to keep Sammy Sosa on board and hope to turn things around during the second half of the year. This week the LDN gives you a mid-season look at how the season has shaped up so far and what you might expect in the second half.



In our early season baseball report, we here at the LDN suggested that the only way the Cubs and the Cardinals would be able to compete was if their pitching came through for them. Charles Dickens’ classic "A Tale of Two Cities" starts with the familiar, "It was the best of times…it was the worst of times"…and there may not be a better way than that to sum up the fortunes of these two teams. For the Cubs, it has been the worst of times, as Kerry Wood has still not quite recaptured the form he displayed two years ago and the staff just hasn’t come together as Don Baylor hoped that it would. The bullpen has also been an adventure with even closer Rick Aguilera getting pounded in some outings. Overall, the LDN gives the Cubbies a C- for their work up until now. That letter was skewed upwards, since – outside of the Reds – the rest of the division has struggled right along with them.



For the Cardinals, it’s been the best of times, and it’s certainly been a breath of fresh air this season. It’s a no-brainer to see why they have earned an A- from the LDN. For most of the last three seasons I would rather have seen them go into the crowd and pick somebody in the stands to pitch rather than send to the hill some of the pitching imposters they forced the fans to endure. No wonder Joe Torre struggled when he managed the Cards. If your job depended on some of the pitchers we signed to contracts during that time, it’s hard telling what you would be doing today!


(To top of second column)

This year, Cardinal starters have been nothing short of phenomenal! At the All-Star break, all but about five of the team’s victories had been picked up by the starters. Not only do they have three or four guys with 10 or more wins, but they also have put together a number of quality starts. If you recall, the LDN was one of the first publications to say that the Birds had signed the right starters and that things would be better! The LDN even backed Pat Hentgen while he was struggling and while the trade rumors were swirling. Now everybody wants to get on the LDN bandwagon. I guess there’s still a little room…



It’s a good thing that the starting rotation has been so spectacular, because the bullpen has been shaky at best. Apparently some of the imposters’ contracts are not up, and some of these would-be major leaguers have just gotten shelled. When I played college baseball, current Rochester resident David Upchurch used to have a saying when our less-than-stellar hurlers would take the mound: "Man the walls!"…And that’s exactly what it has been for St. Louis at times from their bullpen. You don’t want to see guys coming in pouring gas on the fire. Now that Matt Morris and Alan Benes are healthy, perhaps the Redbirds are in the process of turning it around. The one real bright spot out of the pen has been Dave Veres, who now has something like 17 saves. He has been exceptionally solid, and I hate to say it, but once again the LDN applauded picking up Daryl Kile during the winter, and we were very high on getting the throw-in Veres in the deal. In fact, we stated that if he became a dominant closer that the Cards would contend for a divisional title…We rest our case.



There have also been some exciting developments outside of the pitching corps. We’ll have more on that tomorrow.


[Jeff Mayfield]


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