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                       posted daily at NOON               

October 22, 2010


Schools to go down

[MARCH 16, 2000]  In an unexpected move, Lincoln Elementary School District 27 school board voted Wednesday night to rescind last month’s decision to renovate Central Elementary School and to approve 
replacing both Central Elementary and Lincoln Junior High School with new facilities.


                                      [complete story]


Back on track

Lincoln Depot to open 
doors soon

[MARCH 16, 2000]  Renovations to the restaurant at the Depot are underway and will probably continue until it’s time to open the doors for dinner on March 28th. The restaurant will offer a Sunday brunch, and in April lunch will be added.  The restaurant will be open Tuesday through Sunday.

                                       [complete story]           


               SPORTS TALK

Hobbs, Lady Railers hope for hot bats

[MARCH 16, 2000]  Lady Railers' softball coach Michelle Hobbs is very hopeful about the upcoming season. Even though she lost several seniors from a year ago, there is much optimism about this campaign. Coach Hobbs says that if the girls will concentrate and work on cutting down their errors and also rattle the bats a little, they could enjoy a very competitive season. The Lady Railers hope to build on last year’s 16-18 mark that included a solid 8-6 mark in Central State 8 conference play.


[complete story]




Weindorf, Brainard—in touch with their roots

[MARCH 16, 2000]  Lincoln Daily News invites former Logan County residents to connect with friends here through our Diaspora page. After following up on earlier messages, we’ve just received additional correspondence from Donald Weindorf of Omaha, Neb., and Charles Brainard, with the U.S. Army in Atlanta, Ga.

[complete story]  

Announcements --

- St. Patrick's Chamber mixer Thursday evening

- Revival services this weekend at United Pentecostal Church

- Pancakes and sausage this Sunday:
at Lincoln's Masonic Lodge Temple
at Beason Fire Department

Other news --

- First ag day to be celebrated in Logan County

- Lincoln Daily News: easier to navigate, easier to read

- Sheriff's deputies go high tech

- School's funding per student



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