Prom Grand March steps off Saturday evening

The Grand March, an 11-year prom night tradition in Lincoln, will be at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, May 6,  at the courthouse. Prom-goers will march out the Kickapoo Street side of the courthouse.  Several hundred onlookers are expected.

The local Grand March tradition began with Melody Shew of MKS Jewelers. As her own children approached high school age, she was inspired to start the tradition of having all the prom couples announced from the courthouse to be seen by friends, family and community members.

Main Street Lincoln, in cooperation with 10 downtown businesses, is sponsoring this year's march. The theme chosen by the students this year is “Somewhere in the Night.”

Students have spent time compiling songs to be played during the march, as well as preparing elaborate decorations. In the past, the downtown businesses have provided baskets with balloons; however, this year Flowers by Tibbs has volunteered to put together all decorations for the Grand March, and they have decided, as Melody put it, "to go all out."  Included will be a lattice arch for the students to walk under, along with a garden setting where friends and family can take pictures as the students walk down the courthouse sidewalk.

The traditional Grand March schedule is designed for students to plan an early dinner out and arrive at the McLean Street entrance of the courthouse between 6 and 6:30p.m.  They register their names and then stand in line until they are announced.  Inside the courthouse, volunteers including Melody Shew and other business owners from around Lincoln will help organize the students.

Directly outside of the courthouse, Steve Sauer will announce the more than one hundred couples attending this year's prom. Sauer is a teacher at Lincoln Community High School and has been the announcer for nine of the 11 Grand Marches in Lincoln.  Also helping outdoors will be Ben Vogel, who provides and controls the sound system. Tim Rogers and Jim Ash, in a truck provided by Graue Chevrolet, will videotape the Grand March to be aired on Channel 15.

Those planning to attend the Grand March should be aware that parking will be limited. In the downtown area, Pulaski Street and half of McLean Street will be blocked off for student parking only. Broadway will not be blocked. 

In the case of rain or inclement weather, the Grand March will be held in the Lincoln Community High School gym at the scheduled time.

[Rachael E. Shelley]

Dance Force performance scheduled
at Lincoln College
   Lincoln College Dance Department will present its annual spring performance on Friday, May 5, and Saturday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the Johnston Center for Performing Arts on the campus of Lincoln College.  The event is free and open to the public.



An interview with Ladies Day speaker Dee Brestin

Dee Brestin was the keynote speaker at the annual Ladies Day seminar held on the campus of Lincoln Christian College on Wednesday, April 26. Over 1,300 Christian woman attended from all over the state of Illinois and Indiana, Missouri and Ohio.  These women come to Lincoln hoping to be encouraged by the speakers and also to enjoy the fellowship of so many ladies.

Dee Brestin is a nationally known Christian author and speaker who can be heard at seminars and conferences all over the United States.  Her most recent book, “My Daughter, My Daughter,” encourages women to "pan for gold" in God's Word and pass along the rich heritage of faith to the next generation.

Following is an interview she graciously gave during her busy schedule filled with speaking and book-signing opportunities.

Q: How did you know you were called to this ministry of speaking and writing?

A: "I began writing Bible study guides 26 years ago before many were available." Dee's first interest was in the friendships of women and how they differed from men and their relationships.  Being the mother of five children helped her analyze firsthand how women related to women and how they need each other differently than men need friendships. "These observations led me to explore the different dimensions of friendships of women."

Q: What has prepared you most for this ministry of speaking and writing?

A: "I have learned to be faithful in doing the things for which God opens the door and then watched as He opened more doors for opportunities of service and ministry.  My present project is a collaborative effort with the Christian singer-song writer, Kathy Tricolli.  She has paralleled her life as a single adult with her falling in love with Jesus.  Jesus is her companion and soul mate."  Mrs. Brestin shared how powerful this visual picture has been in her own life, and she will be encouraging others in her next book to "fall in love with Jesus."

Q: Give two specific pieces of advice for young women today.

A: Dee stressed the need to have a right relationship with God in order for other relationships in your life to be healthy and happy.  She firmly believes that "a problem with your vertical relationship will present problems in your horizontal relationships.   Her number two adage, especially when raising children in the teen years, is this:  "Rules are important but relationships are primary."   When talking about her own family, which includes two adopted daughters, she lovingly reminded us to say less and give an affectionate hug, back rub or tousle the hair, especially when words would not be kind or encouraging.   She suggests that when our children are making what seem to be poor choices, always remember a silent hug or touch rather than speak harsh words.

Q: How do you manage a busy household, a writing career and a speaking schedule?

A: Without hesitating Dee replied, "Give every day to the Lord and ask Him what He wants you to do."  She learned early in her ministry not to plan ahead of God. "Thankfully, I have a wonderful, supportive and understanding husband," to whom Dee gave much credit.  "He is home with our two high school-aged daughters while I travel, " grinned Mrs. Brestin.  A full-time assistant plans her travel schedule and now also helps edit and proof her books and Bible Study guides.  Together with a large circle of supportive friends and family, Dee Brestin has made a valuable contribution to the Christian community through her seminars and books.

  [Jeaneen Ray]


LCHS presents

an evening of music

The Lincoln Community High School choirs and symphonic band will present a spring concert Tuesday, May 9, at 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium. The symphonic band, beginning choir and advanced choir will perform music from classical to popular styles. This concert is free and open to the public.




American Red Cross classes offered in May

Upcoming American Red Cross classes will be offered at the Logan County office at 125 S. Kickapoo St. in Lincoln.

A Community First Aid and Safety class will be Wednesday, May 17, from 6 to 10 p.m. and Thursday, May 18, from 5 to 10 p.m. The class will cover adult CPR, child and infant CPR and first aid.

A Challenge class will be Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. People who have previously been certified in the above classes may demonstrate their skills and be recertified.

Preregistration is required. For further information, call 732-2134 between noon and 4 p.m. any weekday.


Choirs hit the road; Bible Bowl teams hit the Book
The junior high and senior high choirs of Lincoln Christian Church are hitting the road this summer to spread the Word of God through music. 

The senior high choir, known as the Good News choir, is directed by Tim Searby and will leave Friday, June 9, and return Sunday, June 18. They will perform at seven churches throughout Illinois, Florida and Georgia. Upon their return to Lincoln, the choir will perform at 7 p.m. at Lincoln Christian Church. HeartSong, the junior high choir directed by Karen Gerdts, will tour June 1 through 4, performing at several churches in Illinois and Southeast Missouri.

This marks the 27th year that the youth choirs have gone on tours around the United States. Tracy Thomas, youth minister at Lincoln Christian Church, says the purpose of the choir tours is “to bring the message of the gospel to people in a unique format, and show that young people are committed to the gospel.”

Bible Bowl participants will also be on the road this summer. The teams will be traveling to the national Bible Bowl Tournament, which will take place during the North American Christian Convention July 10 though 14 in Louisville, Ky.

The teams have been studying texts from Acts chapters 13 through 28, 1 and 2 Corinthians and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. At the tournament, the local youth will compete against approximately 250 teams from across the nation. Last year, the top team from the church placed 14th.

[Katherine Heller]

Rural loan program awards State Bank

Jill Apell, Rural Development state director for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was in Lincoln recently to present the State Bank of Lincoln with a “Certificate of Merit.”

Rural Development makes loans and grants in rural Illinois to create jobs, provide needed services to communities and make home ownership possible for hundreds of families. There are 128 full-time employees in 20 local offices, and the total assistance provided in Illinois during the last fiscal year was $214,226,440.

One of the most used programs is the Guaranteed Rural Housing loan program. Rural Development currently has 6,861 Guaranteed Rural Housing loans in Illinois, for a total of over $348 million. The current budget for this program is $3.2 billion dollars. The program allows eligible families to obtain 100 percent, 30-year fixed rate loans.

When the program started in December of 1991, the State Bank of Lincoln was the first bank in Illinois to agree to participate. Since then, State Bank has been a leader in the state of Illinois in making and servicing Guaranteed Rural Housing loans. Illinois now has over 275 lenders that process these loans.

State Bank made loans totaling more than $5 million the last 12 months. State Bank of Lincoln also buys loans from 80 banks throughout Illinois and has a portfolio of 1,325 Guaranteed Housing Loans totaling over $61 million. This represents the largest volume of Guaranteed Rural Housing loans serviced by any bank in Illinois. With the help of banks like the State Bank of Lincoln, Illinois has the largest volume of Guaranteed Housing loans of any state this fiscal year.


ALMH accepts applications for summer teen volunteers

Applications are currently being accepted for this summer’s teen volunteer program at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital.

Teen volunteers work throughout the hospital, performing a variety of duties in many different departments. To be eligible for the program, teens must be an eighth grade graduate and must complete an application form that includes personal references. All teen volunteers must also complete the training session scheduled on Friday, June 9, from 9 a.m. to noon at the hospital.

Applications are available at ALMH from Barbara Dahm, director of volunteer and special services. Applications should be filled out and returned in person to the volunteer office as soon as possible. A brief interview will be conducted at that time. For more information, call 217-732-2161, ext. 184.


Main Street Lincoln to celebrate Historic Preservation Week

Citizens in Lincoln will join thousands of individuals around the country as part of the National Trust’s Historic Preservation Week celebration. "Taking the Past Into the Future" is the theme of the week, with events scheduled May 7-14.

Citizens in Lincoln will join thousands of individuals around the country as part of the National Trust’s Historic Preservation Week celebration. "Taking the Past Into the Future" is the theme of the week, with events scheduled May 7-14.

"The millennium is a time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going," said Richard Moe, president of the National Trust. "This year’s theme celebrates that link between past and future, challenging us to plan for the issues that will confront us in the years to come. It is essential that we be vigilant, flexible and well-informed in order to deal with the rapid changes that are sure to have an impact on our irreplaceable historic treasures."

Students in grades four through eight are encouraged to write a one-page paper on the "Most Historically Influential Lincoln Resident." One winning entry from each grade will win an entertainment package and be recognized on May 7 at the Taste of Lincoln. Entries must be submitted by May 1 to the Main Street Lincoln Office on the second floor of the Union Planters Bank building, 303 S. Kickapoo in Lincoln.

As a prelude to Historic Preservation Week, the "Lincoln Legacy Quiz" will begin in The Courier May 1 and run daily through May 6. Readers can answer the five questions posted each day and send the results to the Main Street Lincoln office. The participant with the highest number of correct responses will win dinner for two at a local restaurant and will be recognized May 7 at the Taste of Lincoln.

A May 3-14 drive by tour of architecturally significant homes, sponsored by the Logan County Board of Realtors and The Courier, will be featured in a special insert on May 3. The insert will include a brief description of the homes and a numbered map so the public can enjoy a leisurely look at all of Lincoln’s treasures.

Mayor Joan Ritter will present the annual awards for Historic Preservation at 11:45 a.m. Sunday, May 7, on the north lawn of the Logan County Courthouse during the Taste of Lincoln. Awards are available in both residential and non-residential categories for preservation, exterior rehabilitation and sympathetic addition. For more information or to make a nomination, call the Main Street Lincoln office. Homes included in the drive by tour are not automatically nominated for an award.




[Lincoln City Hall --
The LaFrance fire truck shown was purchased
by the city in 1924 and retired in 1970.]


Historic displays will be in the windows of many downtown businesses May 6-14 for Historic Preservation Week. Some windows will feature Western Illinois Regional History Fair entries by junior high students from Zion Lutheran School and New Holland/Middletown.

"More Love Than Money Restoration" will be the theme of a workshop to be held Wednesday, May 10, at 7 p.m. in the Union Planter's Bank Conference Room on the second floor at 303 S. Kickapoo. Mike Fak will share low-cost tips on how to renovate your home and give examples. There is no fee and pre-registration is not necessary.

Also that evening, Ruth Sloot from Lincoln Community High School will showcase the project on historic homes compiled by civics classes this year. This will be the first opportunity for residents whose homes were included in the project to see the results.

Another historically based event, the Elkhart Chatauqua, will be May 21 on Elkhart Hill from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information on the Chatauqua, call 217/947-2323.

Historic Preservation Week is based on the 29-year-old tradition of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and is sponsored locally by the city of Lincoln and Main Street Lincoln with financial support from Beans ’N Such and the Blue Dog Inn. For more information on the activities, people can call the Main Street Lincoln office at 732-2929.

[LDN ed.]

Atlanta 4-H club invites youth from town to join

The members of the Atlanta Town and Country 4-H club invite eligible youth from town to join. Jeff Jones, the club reporter, says, "4-H isn’t just for people who live in the country. There are lots of things for a guy or a girl from town to do." Activities include cooking, growing flowers, woodworking, small engines, arts, crafts and herb gardening. For more information, people can call 217-648-2973.


Civil War Living History Weekend planned at Mason City

The Mason City Historical Society will sponsor a Civil War Living History Weekend May 27 and May 28 in the city parks. Military reenactment units accepting the invitation to Mason City to date include the 85th IL Infantry, Forrests' Scouts Cavalry, 1st Texas and 9th Texas Artillery, 1st South Carolina Artillery, Shaw Ritter Nursing Tableau, Brenda Schingel Civilian Child's and Women's Tableau, Drum & Fife Corps, Sharp Shooters, Sally Belle Sutlery and Photography of St. Louis, and the 33rd Illinois Volunteer Regiment Band.

The weekend will be an opportunity for the public to observe actual Civil War living conditions, as drills, demonstrations and tableaus are offered throughout the parks. There will be flag-raising and retiring ceremonies at dawn and dusk

The military troops and civilians will arrive beginning at noon Friday, May 26th through the early morning on Saturday, May 27. The public is invited as onlookers, but no official events begin until 9 a.m. Saturday with officers’ call.

Mason City Girl Scout troops will host old-fashioned children’s games in the park from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 27.

Old-fashioned food booths featuring steak and rolls, a dill pickle barrel, lemonade, root beer, oatmeal cookies, kettle corn and more will be sponsored throughout the midday Saturday by various clubs and organizations.

The sutlery/merchandise site will set up on Thursday, May 25, and will be open for service Friday through Sunday.

Saturday, May 27, at 7:30 p.m. the public is invited to attend a Civil War band performance at the park pavilion. The 33rd Illinois Volunteer Regiment Band will play popular music of the Civil War era on period instruments from the late 1800s. The band,

re-created by musicians from Central Illinois, will perform, wearing the original style woolen uniforms worn during the Civil War. The highlight of the band performance will be Civil War dancing by reenactors as well as the public.

Mason City Historical Society continues to offer free dance lessons to the public every Thursday night at 7 p.m. in the local community center to help people prepare for this Civil War event. Two local seamstresses have been on hand at the dance lessons to show ideas about period costumes and take orders for those wishing to attend the ball in authentic dress. Period dress is not required, however.

Tickets for the ball are on sale at Mason City banks and businesses. The fund-raising

ball and band performance will be a family affair with educational and entertainment value. People may attend for listening enjoyment, dancing or both. In case of stormy conditions, the performance will move to indoor facilities.

Sunday morning, May 28, will begin with flag-raising ceremonies, and encampment visits will continue. At noon, the local American Legion will sponsor a ham and bean dinner at their facility. At 1:30, the community will gather at the Soldiers Monument near the newly sculptured Civil War Tree Soldier for a memorial service.

In keeping with a tradition of the late 1800s and early 1900s, the community will then be invited to participate in a processional to the local cemetery with all the units’ color guards led by Jackson Keen Post color guard. The local Mason City Ministerial Association will conduct a graveside tribute to the Civil War veterans at the central Veterans Stone erected just inside the gates. Civil War descendants, their families and friends will then have an opportunity to visit respective grave sites. The Living History Weekend will end with this cemetery ceremony.

The city of Mason City hosts the weekend, reliving one of the most tragic periods in American history. Rob Leinweber, a longtime supporter and promoter of reenactment activities, will coordinate the weekend itinerary. Events other than the band and ball performance are free to the public. Proceeds from the band performance, donations, sales of afghans and other fund-raisers are being used by the Historical Society to meet the expenses of refurbishing the Soldiers Monument and surrounding area.

For more information, contact the local Living History Weekend community coordinator, Mason City Historical Society officer Diane Bergman at 217-482-3236 or 217-482-3149.


Heritage In Flight museum

The Heritage In Flight Museum at the Logan County Airport is open every weekend from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is open during the week by special arrangement by calling 732-3333. The museum contains historical aviation exhibits from as far back as World War I. Donations to the museum have come from Logan County residents who served in the flying branches of the United States military and from military and civilian sources throughout the U.S. Heritage In Flight holds its regular meetings on the first Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. in the commons room of the airport terminal building. We are always interested in new members who have an interest in helping to maintain the museum and the important and fascinating historical records that it contains. The Heritage In Flight Museum is a non-profit organization.


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