Raging field fires cause crop destruction in and around Logan County

[SEPT. 20, 2000]  At 1:42 yesterday afternoon, the Lincoln Rural Fire Protection District (LRFPD) was called to an above-nine-foot-grade fire on the 600 block of 900th Street in Elkhart. Fourteen LRFPD personnel, under the direction of Officer Duane Ingram, responded with engines No. 9 and 10. The fire started in a field belonging to Richard Kaesebier of 316 Kennedy Road, Elkhart.

[click here for photos]


When Lincoln Rural firemen arrived at the scene, they observed that the fire was rapidly spreading northward through numerous picked and standing corn and bean fields. Lincoln Rural battled alongside the Elkhart, Broadwell, Williamsville, New Holland and Middletown Fire departments from 2:04 to 4:17 p.m. They used pumpers, tankers, and farm tractors and disks to extinguish the flames.

In all, five landowners’ and tenants’ fields were damaged. Chief Robert Thomas said that at this time the cause of the fire is unknown. An estimated 340 acres of land burned. No exact measurements were taken, but the area affected appears to be one-half mile wide by 1¼ miles long.


Chief Thomas said, "This year has been the worst for standing corn field fires in the last 10 years." He believes that the number of fires is due to the corn drying faster than normal this season.

Elkhart’s fire was one of only four fires to keep firemen busy Tuesday afternoon. Two fires were located in the Mount Pulaski area, but their spokesmen were not available to interview. Mason City and San Jose had the last fire.



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The last of the four fires started between 3:30 and 3:45 p.m. in the Mason City district. At approximately 4 p.m. the fire jumped into San Jose’s district. That was the third alarm for the fire. The Easton, Forman, Delavan and New Holland Fire departments all helped the Mason City and San Jose Fire departments fight the blazes.

In the course of the battle, San Jose lost one of their tanker trucks as it drove through the burning fields. The vehicle’s operators were taken to Memorial Hospital in Springfield. One fireman was treated and released, and another had to be admitted to the burn unit at Memorial. The fire department has not yet released the names of the two injured men.

Stacey Coon, an E.M.T. at the San Jose Fire Department, said that the fire damaged an area estimated at 1 mile wide by 2 miles long. She said that San Jose battled the fire for about 3½ hours. They left at 7:30 p.m. after all the flames were extinguished.


Main Street Lincoln plans
Harvest Fest in Scully Park

[SEPT. 20, 2000]  Newly renovated Scully Park will put on its "fall finest" Saturday, Sept. 23, for Harvest Fest, co-sponsored by Main Street Lincoln and the city of Lincoln.

The day’s events will begin at 9:30 a.m. on the south side of the Logan County Courthouse, with a salute to the many businesses sprucing up their buildings this summer. The Downtown Renovation Celebration will feature a giant ribbon surrounding the inside square to be cut by Mayor Joan Ritter. Individual buildings participating in the facade renovation program will be marked with a blue ribbon and balloon. Other businesses that have taken the initiative to revamp their facade this summer will be recognized with a red ribbon and balloon.

"Although all the renovations are not complete, we wanted to take this opportunity to recognize the businesses who’ve made the commitment to downtown Lincoln and invested in its future," said Main Street Program Manager Wendy Bell.

After the ribbon cut, free coffee and donuts will be available in Scully Park, courtesy of Vancil Contracting, contractors for the facade renovation grant.

Activities in the park will kick off at 10 a.m.

Two new contests will be highlighted during Harvest Fest. The first is a sidewalk "Art in the Park" Contest for kindergarteners through adults. Participants will be provided brushes and six colors of tempera paint and assigned a four-foot square of sidewalk to decorate with the theme "Fall Fun." Sign-ups in three age divisions will be from 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., with an entry fee of $5 to defray expenses. "Art in the Park" will be judged at 3 p.m., with first, second and third places announced and awarded prizes at 3:30.

The second highlighted activity is a Back-seat Driving Contest, slated for 1 p.m. Teams of two on a riding lawnmower and trailer will maneuver through a course on Clinton Street while the driver is blindfolded and the pilot navigates from behind. Teams will be timed and points deducted for going outside the course. Drivers must have a valid license or be at least 21 years of age, and pilots should be at least 10. There is no entry fee. Sign-ups are prior to the contest, and prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place.


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The Pumpkin Decorating Contest, an old favorite, also returns this year. Entries can be any size pumpkin decorated with any type of material. The contest is open to those 14 and younger. No entry fees will be collected. Those wishing to participate should bring their decorated pumpkins to the children’s area between 10 a.m. and noon. Judging will take place at 2:30, with announcement of winners at approximately 3:30. First through third place will be awarded and pumpkins can be picked up between 3:30 and 4 p.m.

Other contests include the Kid’s Pedal Pull, beginning at 11 a.m., and Horseshoe Pitching, beginning at noon. "Sam, the living scarecrow," will make appearances throughout the day. Lunch and delicious treats will be available to purchase to support Main Street Lincoln activities. Several unique agricultural products will be featured, as well as a farm safety demonstration for kids, sign-ups for 4-H and an antique tractor display.

There’ll be plenty for children to do. The straw scramble for ages 2 to 12 will be at noon. Free hayrack rides will leave the park on the half hour. Several make it/take it kid’s crafts will be available for a nominal charge. Face painting, beanbag pitching, apple scooping and goofy golf are all free. For those interested in soapbox derby racing, the club from Mount Pulaski will have an informational booth and display of several cars.

There will be entertainment for everyone, starting at each hour. The IB5 Brass Quintet will perform at noon. They were part of the Concerts in the Park schedule this summer, courtesy of members of the Logan County Board, but were rained out both times they were scheduled. Brenda Maddox will sing at 11 a.m., Jeff Kindred at 1 p.m., and entries from the Logan County Fair talent show will perform at 2 p.m.

Individual Harvest Fest events are being sponsored by Tarter Bros. Heating and Cooling, Logan County Farm Bureau, Bassi Construction, Country Companies, Century Dental, Lincoln Radiator and Power Equipment, L & R Properties, and Ag Land FS. For more information on Harvest Fest activities, call Main Street Lincoln at 732-2929.


(Click here for contest details)

Woodlawn rezoning request dropped

[SEPT. 19, 2000]  The request by owners Glenn and Marilyn Buelter to rezone the property at 416 and 422 Woodlawn Road, next to the Kroger store, from residential to commercial has been dropped, Mayor Joan Ritter told the Lincoln City Council Monday evening.

She said Marilyn Buelter had delivered a letter to City Hall earlier in the day saying the owners wished to withdraw the petition "without prejudice." This means that they may ask to have the property rezoned at a later date, according to City Attorney Jonathan Wright. Had the council denied the request, the Buelters would have had to wait a full year to resubmit the request for a zoning change.


At a recent meeting Realtor Dan Bock told the council an auto parts firm wanted to build a retail store at the Woodlawn location. However, a letter from a developer identified only as "Olderman" said the auto parts company has decided not to enter the Illinois market at this time. The particular auto parts company has never been named, as the developer requested confidentiality.


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Several council members had commented earlier that they did not like the anonymity demanded by the developer.

Residents who live near the area have come to City Council meetings to protest that the additional traffic generated by the store would be a safety hazard and would also devalue their property. The city plan commission turned down the request for rezoning, making it necessary for the council to approve the change by a two-thirds margin. A group of six area residents attended Monday’s meeting.

Marilyn Buelter told Lincoln Daily News that the owners will be cleaning up the property, clearing out brush, and hauling away the old cars and fuel tank presently sitting there. She said they plan to fix up the house on the corner, possibly to rent, and are painting the other buildings. There are no plans at this time to seek a zoning change.

[Joan Crabb]

WLB welcomes new educators

[SEPT. 19, 2000]  West Lincoln Broadwell (WLB) Elementary School had a meet-and-greet reception last night for its new superintendent/principal and five new teachers who have joined its staff this year. The reception was an opportunity for parents, students, teachers, staff and school board members to formally meet each other. The school’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) sponsored the reception.

The changes to the roster began at the top with Dorothy Romberg as WLB’s new superintendent/principal. She replaced Dr. Kay Verstrate, who retired at the end of the last school year. Romberg and her husband, Al, recently moved to Lincoln from Clinton, where she formerly served as assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction in the Clinton school district. Romberg said that although the parent turnout for the event was less than expected, she and the teachers appreciated the PTO’s effort, and they all had a good time.


One of the five new teachers who have joined the WLB ranks is Brian Wojcik; he is the primary special education teacher. He has teaching certificates for elementary education, deaf and hard of hearing, learning disabilities, behavior disorder, physically disabled and early childhood. Wojcik became a new father of a baby girl, Nadia, last week.

Mary Kelly is the intermediate special education teacher, with certificates for learning disabilities, social/emotional disorders, EMH and elementary education.

Kris Skold is the newly hired physical education teacher. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education with a major in physical education and a minor in health.


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The new math teacher is Amy Houk, with eight years of teaching experience. She is certified to teach elementary education and junior high math. Houk has a master’s degree in English, speech literature and history. She is planning to marry in November.

Barb Verderber is a first-year teacher from Lincoln. She will teach science. Verderber is certified to teach biological science, general science, social science and physical education. She plans to marry in October.

Stacy Jackson, a parent new to the district, said, "The reception was wonderful." Mrs. Jackson, her husband and their daughters, fourth grader Felecia and first grader Amina, said they were really looking forward to the school year. Mrs. Jackson said the children really enjoy the change from their old school in Peoria. "I like the way in which the WLB environment is structured," she added.


Other events the PTO plans to sponsor during the year include Market Day and the annual chili supper in November. The chili supper is the PTO’s main fund-raiser for the year, and all students are asked to help sell tickets. The group uses its funds to purchase needed items for the school, students and teachers. The PTO meets on the first Monday of each month, and all parents and teachers are welcome to attend.

WLB has an enrollment of 199 students for this academic year.

[Kym C. Ammons-Scott]

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