Welcome to 
Lincolndailynews.com's audio news server!

The audio server is constantly checking all the public band radio channels in the Logan County area and channels all the signals through the internet to this page, and then to your sound card and speakers.

The best times for listening are evenings.  If you don't hear anything, it doesn't mean that it isn't working.  It is more probably that no one is talking.

If you have a very poor connection (slower than 28,800, then you may experience that your browser will be too slow to download other pages while this audio server is open.  In that case, please close this page when you are finished listening and proceed with your web browsing.


Lincolndailynews.com audio news server


If you are interested in advertising on this page, please e-mail Marty Ahrends.

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- Hear it here tonight! -


Sept. 22:  Lincoln vs. Jacksonville

Lincolndailynews.com audio news server

Brought to you by

125 N. Kickapoo Street,
Lincoln, IL.  62656  (217) 735-3448

Proud Sponsor of Lincoln Railer Football and The Faks Machine
These programs are produced by LincOn-TV for MediaOne.