3RevealCheckRevertSolution/Congratulations, you have completed the puzzle!##?#####???????????####?##############?####???????####?####?#####?######??????????####?######?##?####?###???????????#?####?###?#?######?###??????##?#?#???????########?#?#?######?#####?????#?##???????####?#?##?#?########?????????#?#?#?######?####?#?##?#?#?#????????##?#?##?###?######?#?##?#?##?##?????????#?##?####?###?######?#??????????#?#########?##?####?#?????#??????????###?##?#########?####?????????????????????###?##?###################SHARVESTTIMEQIOUTSIDEPGIFALLCOLORSRAOACORNSTUBBLEWTUELWINTERTLPUMPKINCGSNAROMARHUNTINGHANALONGWALKSASHELIDSUWARMDAYSLNIMVOOGAHIBERNATEUWNDSTIMECHANGECHEEPILESFALLBEHINDEDRFROSTBEAUTIFULSUNRISEER  Across 2(crops come in because this is __________4)where you want to be during indian summer 6the beauty you see7what's left in the fields8what's just around the corner9the frost is on this11the smells of fall13this season has begun 15nwhat you take with your feet when the termperatures are warm, the air is fragrant, and the trees are beautiful17the trademark of indian summer19.what racoons and squirrels are preparing to do 20what happens this weekend22what you rake leaves into23"what happens to time saturday nite24ice crystals on windows25-the event that marks the beginning of morningDown 1%racing from tree to tree to find nuts3birds do this in the fall 5(what farmers are doing now in the fields 6&gets you out into the yard with a rake79you probably won't be doing much more of this in the yard10*big birds that migrate in the shape of a V 12#primary activity you do with leaves 14+a holiday that happens during indian summer 16#besides being warm its also _______ 182during Indian Summer the sun is in this hemisphere21 a popular drink made from apples