Jefferson School children's prairie garden and "old time log cabin"
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[This unique children's garden at Jefferson School in Lincoln was created by the sweat and donations of many local volunteers.]

[Jefferson Principal Eldon Broster began this morning's ceremony by describing the development of the project and thanking different volunteers and donors.]

[Principal Broster presented Mayor Ritter with a plaque of appreciation for all of her hard work on behalf of Jefferson School.]

[Principal Broster thanked cabin builder Pete Fredericks, of Pete's Hardware, for all of his hard work and generous donations to Jefferson School's garden and log cabin.]

[Mrs. Hawkinson, a few of her students, Mr. Fredericks and Mayor Ritter ended the celebration with a traditional Lincoln ribbon-cutting.]

[A local reporter interviews Fredericks inside the new cabin.]


[Jefferson School's students planted trees in the garden with the help of National Honor Society students from LCHS.]

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