I had asked Logan
if he wanted to talk about his new position as board chairman and what he hoped
to accomplish this coming year. As always, he was more than happy to talk shop.
The six-year
veteran went on: "The thing I'm most proud of during my six years on the
board is the way we have come together with Lincoln city government as well as
administrators in all the other cities to try and work together. It wasn't
always that way, you know."

Agreeing with Dick
as I dug into my meatloaf special, I asked what his immediate focus as board
chairman would be.
"Well, we
need to get the old Mutual savings building up and running. That will take care
of the overcrowding at the courthouse, plus be a real convenience to citizens
doing business with the county. We also need to continue to develop the waste
management program into the best it can be. Waste management today, with Ken
Schwab as director, has really grown in the past few years into a great help to
not only the ecology but the community as a whole."
Logan went on:
"We have the Fifth Street project beginning in a year or so. That's really
important." The project Logan referred to will resurface as well as widen
the highway from the city limits all the way to Middletown. "We also will
make sure that the Emden spur, (the resurfacing of Route 136 by Emden) goes off
this year as planned," Logan said.
"There are a
lot of projects in this community that need the board's attention, but we also
need to hold the line on taxes. We have to try and give as much service to the
community as we can without asking for more tax dollars. Times are tough. The
board has to operate just like a family or a small business does. We have to
hold the line on expenses but offer maximum services to every part of this