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Our staff:
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Writers [click
top of second column]
leading scorer
the editor:
is not really a news item — just a correction.
times now I have read the following about Gregg Alexander:
"He finished his Railer career as Lincoln's all-time leading
scorer, with an astounding 2,085 points."
I am proud of Gregg for setting the new boys basketball record,
Steph Reichle is still the all-time leading scorer for Lincoln
Community High School — scoring 2,376 points in 112 games.
thought you might like to know that.
for a city manager
This letter arrived after the letter
below it was posted in LDN.)
direction is correct. We need to look at a city manager form of
government and soon. Somehow too much politics seems to always be
behind important decisions.
manager could handle Lincoln's day-to-day business
the editor:
I am no longer a citizen of Logan County and reside in Arizona, I
believed for a number of years that Lincoln needed a city
manager. Where I am at present has just that, and things
seem to all get handled on a day-to-day basis. I am sure I
can get plenty of discussion as to why this is not the thing to do
for Lincoln, since it does involve additional expense for the
manager. A well-run business always has someone at the helm
guiding it in the right direction.
receive AAL support for mission projects
the editor:
youth of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Lincoln wish to thank
the AAL for their support.
to the AAL Youth Serve Program, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
junior and senior high school youth have been able to do mission
projects. Financing was received for Christmas gifts and
poinsettias were purchased for the Angel Trees at Wal-Mart and at
Cracker Barrel. These helped to brighten lives of
children, shut-ins, senior citizens, and nursing home residents
that may have been otherwise forgotten.
the youth are completing a "Boxes for Brazil"
project. Assistance for financing the shipping fees was
received from AAL. Clothing and personal care items from
baby to adult care were collected through February. These
will be sent to Lutheran missionaries, the Paul Abel family in
Santa Felicidade, Brazil, for distribution.
youth look forward to again reaching out in Jesus' name with the
assistance of AAL.
youth sponsor
to Sorrento's
allow me the opportunity to publicly acknowledge and hopefully
enlighten the community — especially the parents of teenagers.
On weekends many of us parents whose teenagers are not old enough
to drive pick up our kids at Sorrento’s Pizza after the movies,
sports events — it’s become a local hangout.
I didn’t realize until Saturday night was that’s primarily
what they do. We saw only one table order anything. We questioned
Chris Gray, manager of Sorrento’s, about it, and that’s pretty
much the norm. Some even go as far as to walk to the gas station
to buy sodas, candy or whatever and bring it back to his
establishment. Is Chris Gray complaining — quite the opposite?!
When I inquired as to a sign saying, "You don’t buy, you
don’t sit," he replied, "Where else do they have to
point is not only to praise Chris Gray (Sorrento’s) for this
special attitude to the youth in this town but also to address the
parents. Talk to your kids about this being a business. Support
Sorrento's by buying your sodas, pool your money to buy a pizza,
or — if nothing else — let this guy know you appreciate a
place to hang. You can do this also by not leaving a mess his
employees later clean up. Please don’t take advantage of his
to Sorrento’s for not only giving back to the community, but
most importantly to the youth!
and Steve Buse
lives were saved’
the editor:
for the excellent article on the "Baby
Think It Over" program. Someone not familiar with the
program could read this article and, because of the clear
explanations, easily understand why this program provides a
meaningful experience for teens.
health department that uses this program told me of a
developmentally delayed teen who became pregnant and was insistent
about keeping the baby when it was born. While in the early stages
of pregnancy, she was in a class using the "Babies."
After she completed her assignment and had to care for one, she
made the choice to give her real baby up for adoption when it was
born. She stated that she found out that she was not ready to be a
mother. One could easily make the point that two lives were saved
as a result of this program.
continue to provide a wonderful source of positive information for
your readers.
L. Evans, Administrator
County Health Department
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601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
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