[Angels All Around Us (Lessen family booth),
which won first prize. Shelby Lessen, age 6, stands in front.]

[Survivor Kayla Meister, age 7, with mother
Jennifer, father Gary and brand-new bear given her by local Cancer
Society chapter.]

[Kayla and Tabatha]

[Lucy Geyer of Mount Pulaski, a
six-year-survivor, poses by the HOPE sign at Relay for Life. Geyer
feels she has beaten her cancer but wants to help find a cure for
[Survivor Bob Jeckel and Kathy Blaum, co-chairman
of the event and also a survivor, purchased "The Music of
Hope" CDs made by the LCHS music group.]

[Gerald E. Carter stands by his popcorn machine,
which he takes to events at which nonprofit organizations are
raising funds for good causes. Carter donates his time as well as
the popcorn. He is a 41-year Country Companies agent.]