Bomke, state senator, 50th District
State House, Springfield, IL 62706
McLean St., Lincoln, IL 62656
782.5406 fax
State senator since 1995. Currently
serves as minority spokesman for the Senate Transportation Committee
and is a member of the Local Government and Agriculture and
Conservation committees. Also serves on the Legislative Research
Unit and the Legislative Printing Unit.
Led the effort to improve the fairness
of pensions for state employees and university employees and
teachers. Supported an expansion of the state's Circuit Breaker
program to give more seniors access to property tax grants and
discount prescriptions. Fought for comprehensive crime legislation,
including public notification if a known sex offender moves into a
community. Sponsored legislation to require health plans cover
48-hour hospital stays for newborns and their moms. Fought for the
Rule of 85 to allow state employees to retire before age 65.
Expanded access to ob-gyn care for women in HMOs. Ended expensive
privileges for prison inmates.
Chairman, Sangamon County Board, two
years; member of Sangamon County Board, 19 years.
Successful small-business owner.
United Way; American Heart Association;
The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce; Sangamon County Farm
Bureau; Toastmasters; chairman, fifth and sixth annual "World's
Largest Easter Egg Hunt;" chairman, Friends of Foster/Adoptive
[to top of second column in this
section] |
Sen. Bomke has been named 2001
Anti-hunger Advocate of the Year by the Central Illinois Foodbank;
2000 Senator of the Year by ABATE; Friend of Family and Consumer
Sciences by the Illinois Family and Consumer Science Teachers
Association; and Legislator of the Year by the Illinois Diabetic
Association and the Illinois National Guard (Abe Lincoln Award). He
has received the Outstanding Service Award from the Illinois
National Guard, Illinois Corn Growers Association, Automotive
Wholesalers of Illinois, SPARC; and Certificates of Appreciation
from the Gateway Youth Foundation, Sangamon County 4-H, Boy Scouts
of America and the Illinois Federation of Public Employees.
Sen. Bomke has also been honored by the
Village of Riverton, Ansar Temple, Mechanicsburg Fire Protection
District, Boys and Girls Clubs of Springfield, Make Work Pay
Coalition, Sangamon County Genealogical Society, United Way Boys and
Girls Clubs, SPARC, Lincoln Land Board of Trustees, Village of
Dawson, Village of Ashland, Springfield Right to Life, ILLCAAP,
Perry's Tae Kwon Do, Illinois Department of Children and Family
Services, Goodwill, Sangamon County Corn Growers, Illinois Rural
Health Association, and the Illinois Vocational Association.
Married to
Sally Jo; one son and one daughter; member of Westminster
Presbyterian Church; listed in "Outstanding Young Men of America,"
[News release] |