Monday, June 20


LaHood testimony submitted at BRAC regional hearing in St. Louis states reasons to keep the 183rd Fighter Wing in Springfield          Send a link to a friend 

[JUNE 20, 2005]  ST. LOUIS -- Written testimony from U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Peoria, in support of the 183rd Fighter Wing remaining in Springfield is being submitted on his behalf today (Monday) by U.S. Rep. John Shimkus, R-Collinsville, at the Base Realignment and Closure Commission regional hearing in St. Louis.

LaHood's congressional district contains the 183rd Fighter Wing base at Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport. LaHood will not be able to attend the regional hearing in St. Louis as he will be escorting BRAC Commissioner Samuel K. Skinner while Skinner tours the 183rd base at the same time on Monday.

Following is LaHood's statement prepared for submission Monday to BRAC.

Testimony of the Honorable Ray LaHood, 18th Congressional District, Illinois

BRAC regional hearing, St. Louis, Mo

June 20, 2005

Adm. Gehman, Gen. Turner and Congressman Hansen, thank you for the opportunity to submit a short statement on behalf of the 183rd Fighter Wing, located at the Air National Guard Station, Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport, Springfield, Ill.

I would like to commend the men and women of the Illinois Air National Guard, and the 183rd Fighter Wing in particular, for their hard work in the defense of our nation. Additionally, the local community strongly supports the 183rd. From our U.S. Sens. Durbin and Obama, to Congressmen Shimkus, Evans and myself, through the local leadership of Mayor Tim Davlin and the many grass-roots supporters, no community is more proud of their local unit than Springfield is of the 183rd.

We need to be clear on what the Department of Defense's base closure recommendation is: It is a way to move equipment, not reduce infrastructure. We have all heard the many media stories about how this BRAC round will shed excess infrastructure and save billions of dollars. Moving aircraft from the 183rd Fighter Wing to the 122nd Fighter Wing does neither. It is an attempt to go around the Congress and move equipment with no oversight, no plan and no benefit.

[to top of second column in this article]

It will be pointed out in testimony today that the Pentagon completely ignored their own announced criteria when choosing to move aircraft from the 183rd Fighter Wing. Simply put, the Pentagon plan moves the aircraft to a base with a lower military value. Much has been made of the unprecedented amount of data that this round of BRAC has generated. That data does not lie -- Springfield has a higher military value, a higher fighter MCI and a higher F-16 unit ranking than the 122nd Fighter Wing in Fort Wayne.

One of the only reasons the Pentagon gave in their recommendation for moving the 183rd Fighter Wing aircraft is recruiting, which is not one of the 2005 BRAC selection criteria. In fact, in this one case, the Pentagon says recruiting is more important than military value. I say, go ahead and consider recruiting. The 183rd Fighter Wing has outstanding recruiting numbers and has for many years -- in times of peace and times of war. The Springfield unit is more than 100 percent critically manned. You simply cannot get much better than that.

The outstanding recruiting statistics reveal much about the 183rd Fighter Wing and about central Illinois. These men and women are eager to serve. They joined the Air National Guard so they could serve both their community and their country, and they have done both superbly. If we lose these planes, if we lose the firefighters, we lose all of those who support them. These folks will not move to Indiana. The Springfield area is their home. It is where they chose to work, raise their families and serve our country. The Guard will lose these fantastic men and women, and it will be terrible loss for our armed forces.

I urge the commission to continue to carefully scrutinize the Pentagon's recommendations. You will see that there is no military, financial, political or practical reason to move the 183rd Fighter Wing. We need them right where they are.

[News release from Rep. Ray LaHood,
18th Congressional District]

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