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Inventor of new alphabet got the idea from soldiers in 1819          By Paul Niemann

[MAY 5, 2005]  As regular readers of this column know, a number of important inventions were inspired during wartime. Examples are frozen concentrated orange juice, the first electronic digital computer (which was the forerunner to modern computers), penicillin, the jeep, the first ambulance system in the United States and the Internet. Even a brand-new alphabet came about as a result of war.

Our story begins in 1812 in Paris, when an accident in his father's leather shop caused 3-year-old Louis to go blind. Louis' injury was originally thought to be not very serious, but then the injured eye became infected and the infection spread to his other eye. Before long, Louis was blind.

At age 10, Louis went to a school for the blind in Paris. He was not satisfied with the books that the school had for the blind students, though. They consisted of raised lettering, but they literally spelled out every letter.

If a sighted person had to read one letter at a time with his eyes, it would take a long time to read anything, so you can imagine how long it would take a blind person to "read" one letter at a time with his fingers. Louis knew there must be a way to improve upon this alphabet.

This one's no great mystery -- the hero of the story is Louis Braille, the inventor of the Braille alphabet. What you might not know, however, is the story of how he developed the Braille alphabet.

There were at least 20 types of embossed alphabets available at the time, in the early 1800s. The problem was that they were all developed by people with normal vision but used by the blind. As a result, they were ineffective.

Louis' first inspiration was probably his school's library books -- or actually the lack of library books -- for the blind. After reading all 14 of them, he knew there must be a way to increase the number of books written for the blind.

In 1819, a French army officer named Charles Barbier created the forerunner of the Braille alphabet. He used his 12-dot system of raised lettering, called "night writing," to send messages to his soldiers at night.

Barbier's night writing system of raised dots and dashes was similar to Morse code, although Morse wouldn't be invented for another 25 years. Soldiers used this alphabet so they could understand messages without having to light a match, since a lit match would reveal their location to the enemy.

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Louis set out to improve upon Barbier's system, and by 1824 the 15-year-old had created the six-dot system of raised lettering that is used today. It was an immediate hit with the other students at his school, even though it was initially rejected by the school's teachers. Louis Braille later became a teacher at this school -- the same school for the blind that he attended.

When he died in 1852, it looked like the Braille alphabet would die with him, but a group of four blind men who founded the Royal National Institute of the Blind kept his alphabet alive. The institute is now the largest publisher of Braille in Europe.

How did Louis Braille "print" the dots in the alphabet of raised lettering that bears his name?

The injury that caused Louis to go blind at age 3 occurred when he slipped in his father's leather shop and was poked in the eye by an awl. An awl is a tool with a very sharp point at the end of it, and it is used to punch holes in leather. When he developed his Braille alphabet, he used an awl to poke the paper from underneath in order to create dots above the paper.

Louis Braille used the object that caused him to go blind to create a whole new alphabet, enabling other blind people to read.

[Paul Niemann]

Paul Niemann is the author of Invention Mysteries. He can be reached at niemann7@aol.com.

© Copyright Paul Niemann 2005

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