No-bid contract not a good start for All Kids program The
Blagojevich administration is nothing if not predictable.
On Thursday, the governor announced a new initiative for
children's health insurance, and even before the program got any
traction, it was revealed that the administration has already
awarded a $50,000 no-bid contract to an out-of-state firm --
Schulman, Ronca and Bucuvalas of New York -- that conducts public
opinion surveys.
The All Kids insurance program will provide parents of Illinois'
uninsured children access to health care coverage by offering them
lower premiums than what private insurance typically offers. This is
a laudable goal, but one that will come at enormous cost to
taxpayers. The state's Medicaid system already has a 90-day, $1.5
billion backlog in bills it owes to health care providers.

As with any new initiative, the devil is in the details. It is
hoped that this is not just another gimmick intended to boost the
governor's ratings by proposing programs that will add even more
pressure to an already overburdened system.
[to top of second column in this article]

Insurance hotline available to help consumers Illinois
consumers with insurance questions can get help from a statewide
toll-free line.
The Illinois Insurance Hotline is an industry-sponsored resource
providing residents with access to unbiased information about a wide
range of insurance topics.
The toll-free line offers unbiased information to help consumers
make decisions about insurance issues. It does not sell insurance or
recommend specific companies. Consumers can talk with a consultant
who can either answer their questions or send them informational
Consumers can reach the insurance information line by calling 1
(800) 444-3338. Consultants are available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
The Illinois Insurance Hotline has helped more than 70,000
consumers since it began in 1990.
Sen. Bill Brady]