The following working and non-working electronic items will be
accepted: Computer Equipment including hard drives, monitors,
keyboards, printers, and scanners; Entertainment Equipment
including: TVs (no consoles), radios, stereos, VCRs, DVDs, and game
systems; small household appliances, including: microwaves,
blenders, mixers, food processors, toasters and toaster ovens; and
small business equipment, including: copiers, fax machines,
typewriters, and calculators. Working and non-working cellular
phones and laser/inkjet printer cartridges will be collected for
donation to Wal-Mart’s Children’s Miracle Network.
The disposal of personal computers and other consumer electronics
has become problematic for both individual households and
businesses. Also known as e-waste, computers and other consumer
electronics are the fastest growing portion of the waste stream,
raising environmental concerns over the sheer volume and potential
Computer and other electronic equipment can contain significant
quantities of hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium,
chromium, lithium, nickel and zinc. The potential exists for serious
health and environmental consequences if electronic equipment is not
properly handled and disposed of.
The electronic recycling collection is a collaborative effort
between the Logan County Join Solid Waste Agency and Retro-Tech
Electronics, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, whose primary
objective is to provide individuals/households who are either
low-income or disabled with refurbished computer and other
electronic technologies free or at a reduced cost. Additionally,
Retro-Tech Electronics, Inc. provides the opportunity for
communities to recycle computers and other household electronics in
an environmentally responsible manner resulting in the removal of
these items from area landfills.
If you have questions regarding the electronic recycling collection,
contact Mitzi Rohlfs, Logan Count Joint solid Waste Agency
Coordinator, at 732-9636.
[Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency/LDN] |