Logan County has several groups that are involved with planning and zoning decisions. By State Statute, Cities and Counties with zoning ordinances in place are required to have a Zoning Board of Appeals or an appeals process. The appeals process is a necessary function, as it gives the community living under the current zoning ordinances an opportunity to request changes in zoning or petition for a variance. Each city as well as the county has a board of appeals. They make recommendations to the City Council or County Board for their final decision. They are on call to meet when needed to consider zoning issues. The Zoning Board will hear the zoning requests in a public hearing format. The public is notified of the meeting by notice in the local paper. Also property owners that are adjacent to the property be considered are notified directly of the hearing. There has to be ample opportunity for the community and adjacent property owners to protest and rezoning request. The Zoning Board will make a decision based on their knowledge about the property in question, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and input from the public. The Planning function often gets commingled with zoning, however, it is supposed to serve a different function. Planning is about the future. The Cities and the County have Planning Commissions in place to control growth in a logical manner that maximizes the advantages of current infrastructure. The Planning groups are to provide guidance the governing bodies about land use as well infrastructure needs to accommodate future potential growth. Planning commissions should develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and keep it updated to aid in long term decisions about the growth of a community. With proper plans in place the governing bodies are more likely to get assistance from the State or Federal government for infrastructure improvements and economic development incentives. The Comprehensive Plan, in order to be effective, should be developed with input from the public about what they would like to see happen in their community in the future. At this time the LCRPC is beginning the process of planning for the future by developing a new Comprehensive Plan for Logan County including land use plans for the Cities of Lincoln, Atlanta, Mt Pulaski and Elkhart. |
Logan County Regional Planning Commission: The LCRPC is an independent commission formed by the County Board in the late 60s. The purpose of the commission is to develop and maintain land use plans for the county as well as the municipalities in Logan County. The land use plans are called the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan may also include other goals of the County and the Cities, such as economic development, residential development, increasing parks and recreation areas and other quality of life issues. The mission of the LCRPC in its simplest form is to develop plans based on input from the public and use those plans to make recommendations to the County Board or Cities regarding rezoning requests and extensions of infrastructure. Commercial and Industrial areas should be developed around transportation hubs. Residential development should have proper barriers or buffer zones from the Commercial zoning classifications. The members of the Regional Planning Commission include the Mayors of Lincoln, Mt Pulaski and Atlanta as well as members of the County Board and other non - elected officials from the community. Current members are Dick Logan, Dale Voyles, Bob Farmer, Gloria Luster, Vicki Hasprey, Pat O’Neill, Bill Glaze, Bill Martin, Beth Davis, Derrick Crane, Steve Anderson, Tom Hickman, Gerald Lolling, Delmar Veech, Tom Cash, Carol Gustafson and Judi Graff. The LCRPC meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month. Phil Mahler is our Director. He coordinates Planning and Zoning Activities for the County as well as serves the City of Lincoln on their Planning Commission.
Logan County Board Planning and Zoning Committee: This group is a standing committee of the County Board that makes recommendations to the County Board regarding Planning and Zoning issues. Recently they have begun to meet monthly, with Dewey Colter. Dewey is the County Administrator as well as the County Zoning Officer. Current County Board members on this committee are Voyles, Hasprey, Luster, Logan, O’Neill and Farmer.
Logan County Zoning Board of Appeals: This group is made up of citizens from throughout the County. They are responsible for conducting public hearings on rezoning issues, variances or zoning ordinance changes and making recommendations to the County Board about rezoning petitions. They do not meet on a regular basis. They usually have 4 to 6 meeting per year when necessary to hear a petition. The current members of this committee are Dean Toohey, Wilbur Paulus, Marvin Johnson, Glen Brooks and Doug Thompson.
Lincoln Planning Commission: The Lincoln Planning Commission serves a similar function as the LCRPC, but with respect to issues in the City of Lincoln proper. The Lincoln Planning Commission meets when necessary to develop land use plans, consider annexation petitions and rezoning petitions. They make recommendations to the Lincoln City Council on these issues. The City Council makes the final decision after considering their input. The current commission members are Beth Davis, David Klug, Ron Fox, Don Miller, John Guzzardo, Betty Gehlbach, Clara Janet, Scott Cooper, Bob Wood, Don Vincent and Mike Miller. Phil Mahler serves as the Executive Secretary of this group. Mt Pulaski and Atlanta have similar Planning Commissions.
Lincoln Zoning Board of Appeals: The Lincoln Zoning Board meets on call also. They hold public hearings to consider rezoning petitions, annexations, variances and zoning ordinance changes. Their decisions are also advisory. The current zoning board members are Tom Cullinan, John Sutton, Jim Drew, Ben Grunder, Bob Johnson, Linda Aper and Manny Gaston. Any city or county with zoning ordinances in place is required by State Statute to have an appeals process. Les Last is Lincoln Zoning Officer.