Thursday, Aug. 10

Community bids farewell to friend          Send a link to a friend

[AUG. 10, 2006]  Personal and business friends of Jeff Mayfield gathered at the Logan County Chamber headquarters on Fifth Street on Wednesday to bid him farewell. Mayfield and his wife, Melinda, and son Payne will be moving to Beloit, Wis., in about a month.

Since coming to Lincoln, Mayfield has been employed by Lincoln Christian College and Seminary in positions that would expand the school's growth. For a brief time the school allowed him to divide his time and provide his skills as temporary director at the Lincoln & Logan County Development Partnership, up to when they hired the current full-time director, Rob Orr.

Mayfield not only fielded calls of business development interests and kept the agency functional, but also was instrumental in forging a few alliances that led to some of the recent business growth the area has seen. His interest in promoting the community began long before he was in that office and did not stop when he left there. He has continued to be a community liaison at every opportunity. His influences have been and will continue to be felt for years to come.

Mayfield will continue to apply this same focused giftedness in a ministry of growth at Beloit Christian Church.

The family has been a blessing to the community in numerous avenues during their years here. Melinda is a gifted special needs teacher who is remembered long past the time when she has a student in her classroom. She has served Lincoln schools not only in the classroom but also volunteering through PTO committee activities.

She has just completed a master's degree.

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She and Jeff have been involved in volunteer service to others through Jefferson Street Christian Church also.

Six-year-old Payne will begin his school years as a kindergartener this year.

Amidst everything they do, Jeff also found time to serve as lead sportswriter for Lincoln Daily News. His awesome coverage of Brian Cook's career and Illini basketball games could not be topped. His local roundup coverage will be greatly missed.

He and comrade in sports Greg Taylor co-hosted "Sports Talk," a program that aired weekly on 96.6 FM radio and CITV5. Over the last few years their exciting reviews ran the gamut of local, regional and national sports happenings, with special emphasis on all our wonderful local sports teams.

If you ever met Mayfield, you wouldn't soon forget him. In a short conversation you would know that he approaches everything he does with conviction and zeal. In talking with him, you might learn of his passion for sports -- all sports -- or his continued commitment to assist his church or community in any way possible. But, it is his love of God and family that shines over all that he does.

Godspeed, Jeff, and thanks for all you have done for our community.

[Jan Youngquist]

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