Monday, Dec. 4

It's tails, and Dick Logan returns as county board chairman          Send a link to a friend

[DEC. 4, 2006]  Seven newly elected Logan County Board members were installed Monday morning. Judges Don Behle and David Coogan alternately swore in the board members in the third-floor courtroom at the Logan County Courthouse at 8:45 a.m.

A first-timer, Michael McIntosh, now represents District 6. McIntosh fills the seat formerly held by Paul Gleason.

Gloria Luster returned to the board after a brief time away. Luster stepped down from her seat last term when she moved from Mount Pulaski to Lincoln. She now sits for District 5, replacing Dale Voyles, who retired.

Rick Aylesworth was originally appointed by the board to replace Luster when she moved. Aylesworth won the two years that remain of that term.

The following returning board members were issued a four-year term oath of office:

  • Charles "Chuck" Ruben, District 1

  • Robert "Bob" Farmer, District 2

  • John Stewart, District 3

  • Terry "T.W." Werth, District 4

The board convened at 9:30 a.m. for a brief reorganization meeting. Board members nominated and approved positions of chairman pro tem, vice chairman, chairman and parliamentarian.

Only one position had two nominations. Bill Sahs and Dick Logan were both nominated for chairman. When put to a vote, it was a 6-6 tie.

Logan County Clerk Sally Litterly said she had already checked with the state's attorney about how to handle this if it happened. She pulled out a quarter and said it was time to flip.

Sheriff Steve Nichols walked in the door right at that moment, and being a trustable sort, was asked to flip. The candidates were asked to choose their side. Logan took tails and Sahs, chuckling, agreed to take heads.

[to top of second column]

The quarter came up tails: Logan.

Litterly retrieved her quarter from the sheriff, who had asked to keep it, to tape into the paperwork for posterity, tails up.

Other results were:

  • Chairman pro tem: Bob Farmer

  • Vice chairman: John Stewart

  • Parlamentarian: Michael McIntosh

Chairman Logan took over the meeting and reviewed a few basic member benefits and obligations, from health insurance options to submitting meeting mileage.

He also reviewed procedures for putting a matter on the agenda for voting. Something must be on the agenda 48 hours before a meeting of the board.

The newest members, Luster and McIntosh, will take over committee assignments where Voyles and Gleason sat for this month. After that the committees will probably be reassigned by Logan with consideration for the members' preferences.

Logan said that he wants to see all board members become more aware of information and decisions being made by all of the committees. He feels it is in the best interests of the public that all 12 board members be fully involved.

He also said that he hopes and expects to work closer with Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis.

[Jan Youngquist]


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