2006 Festival of Trees
![click on photos below to enlarge]

pictures by Jan Youngquist

Adorable Ty Teddies dangle from upside-down tree.

Nothing beats some of the quaint, old-fashioned glass ornament designs


This hostess secured the coziest corner in the midst of the beautiful Christmas forest.

Elegance in white features hand-crocheted ornaments and an angel topper.

Rich natural materials were used to create this great, wonderful outdoor-lover's tree.

A tree for everyone, including this specialty tool-decked handyman tree. Sophisticated, serene blue wreath seen in background.


This hostess sits between eras; to her left is a sweet, old-fashioned school days kids' tree, and to her right is a modern, airy, elegantly trimmed upside-down tree.

It's fun remembering the days when the silver tree illuminated by a rotating color wheel (to lower right) made its debut. The tree is displayed on a retro kitchen table with chairs and other period items.


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