Senate Bill 1497, creating the Preschool for All program, was
sponsored by Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, D-Chicago, and Sen. Kimberly
Lightford, D-Westchester. The budget for the fiscal year that began
on July 1 includes an additional $45 million for Preschool for All,
giving 10,000 more 3- and 4-year-olds a chance to attend preschool.
"Study after study and basic common sense tell us that giving kids
the chance to start reading early and learning early is the single
most important step we can take towards helping them become
successful students," Blagojevich said. "That's why it's so critical
that every child in Illinois have the opportunity to attend
preschool, and it's why we're making Illinois the first state in the
nation to make preschool available for every 3-year-old and every
Senate Bill 1497 amends the Illinois School Code to authorize the
use of state funds for pre-kindergarten services for children who
are not defined as at-risk. Under
current law, pre-kindergarten funds are used exclusively to serve
at-risk kids. At-risk kids have the greatest need of service, and
numerous studies show that they benefit significantly from attending

However, there are many kids who do not meet the current
definition of "at-risk" who could still benefit from preschool. For
example, parents who make $50,000 a year may not earn enough money
to provide their child with high-quality preschool, but if the child
doesn't have any other risk factors, under prior law they would not
qualify for state-funded pre-kindergarten. In Illinois, the average
annual cost of private early learning programs for 3- and
4-year-olds is $5,200, and the cost for two children can exceed
$10,400 annually. The new Preschool for All program will continue to
prioritize at-risk children, but expands to also serve middle-income
families. Studies have shown that middle-income children often don't
have access to preschool, but that access to preschool can make a
real difference for them in their school readiness.
Preschool for All will allow every community to offer
high-quality preschool in a variety of settings, including public
and private schools, child care centers and licensed family child
care homes, private preschools, park districts, faith-based
organizations, and other community-based agencies. The program
requires that preschools be staffed by experienced teachers who hold
bachelor's degrees and specialized training in early education, and
the preschools must provide at least 2.5 hours per day of high-quality programming
designed to foster all of the skills -- social, emotional, physical
and cognitive -- that all young children need to achieve success in
school and later in life.
Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, a leading expert in child development,
joined the governor for the bill signing. Brazelton, who holds
degrees from Princeton and Columbia, has written 40 books on child
development and developed the Emmy-award winning television show
"What Every Baby Knows." As a parent advocate, he has appeared
before congressional committees in support of parental and medical
leave bills and worked to improve child care support for all working
parents. In 2002, he received the World of Children Award for his
achievements in child advocacy. Currently, he serves as professor of
psychiatry and human development at Brown University and clinical
professor of pediatrics emeritus at Harvard Medical School.
"I think Illinois and Governor Blagojevich are setting the bar
high for the rest of the country by instituting this program of
early learning opportunity," Brazelton said. "Backing up your
children at a time when they are so ready and excited to learn is
critical. We know from our own work that it is not just learning, it
is giving children a chance to be evaluated for health and have
models to live up to besides their own families. Entire families
will profit from this program."
"Making early education available to the children of Illinois is
critical to their success, both in school and out of school," said
Currie, House sponsor of the legislation. "Twenty years ago, I
sponsored the legislation that made preschool available to at-risk
children, and I'm thrilled that today we are expanding those
services to all Illinois children."
"I am honored to work alongside Governor Blagojevich on such a
significant education initiative," said Lightford, who sponsored the
legislation in the Senate. "I understand the urgency in reaching all
3- and 4-year-olds as early as possible, especially children 'at
risk.' Therefore, the basic principles in helping children succeed
are generally taught in preschool programs. It has been proven that
the earlier we can reach our youngsters and get them engaged in
school and learning good habits, the more success they will have in
their future academics."
The fiscal 2007 budget includes $45 million to give 10,000 more
children the chance to attend preschool. The governor's education
plan calls for an increase to $60 million in funding next year and
for continued increases in funding until all who want preschool have
access to it by fiscal 2011.
Countless studies demonstrate the benefits of early learning in
preschool. Children who begin reading at age 3 or 4 do better
throughout their academic careers. Children who received
high-quality early education are 20 percent more likely to complete
high school and 41 percent less likely to be placed in special
education. In addition, children who received high-quality early
education are 42 percent less likely to be arrested as a juvenile
for a violent offense and will have half as many criminal arrests,
as well as have higher earnings and property wealth as an adult.
"We know that when kids have access to high-quality early
childhood programs, they have improved lifelong learning," said
Jesse H. Ruiz, chairman of the Illinois State Board of Education.
"Governor Blagojevich and the General Assembly have worked hard to
make sure that our youngest children have this important first step
in their education. Children, families, communities and our entire
state will benefit from this investment now and well into the
"Preschool for All reflects the science that demonstrates success
in education is dependent on what happens during children's earliest
years," said Jerry Stermer, president of Voices for Illinois
Children. "Governor Blagojevich and lawmakers from both parties
agree on the critical goal of offering voluntary, high-quality
preschool for all young children, and we thank them for their
At the academy where the Preschool for All legislation was
signed, one of the programs is the Early Childhood Developmental
Enrichment Center. "ECDEC is one of the initial pre-kindergarten
at-risk programs serving children in districts 15, 21, 23, 25, 26,
54 and 57, and we are honored to be part of this landmark
legislative event in early childhood education," said Kathy Villano,
project director for the Early Childhood Block Grant. "The evidence
is overwhelmingly clear that preschool programs with developmentally
appropriate, solid research-based practices based on Illinois' Early
Learning Standards have a significant and positive educational
impact, not only in preparing children to enter kindergarten ready
to learn, but also in empowering parents to become active in their
children's early school experiences. ECDEC staff and families are
proud and excited that our legislators have made Governor's
Blagojevich's Preschool for All a reality and hope to expand our
programs in Schaumburg, Palatine and Wheeling townships."
[to top of second column] |

"This bill is the continuation of a legacy that our governor has
begun -- a legacy which at its core ensures the health and academic
future of our children, a legacy which began with a $90 million
dollar commitment for the ECBG," said Maria Whelan, president of
Illinois Action for Children. "We are thrilled to partner with him
on behalf of children and all the possibilities that this
legislation leads to." "Preschool for All is about opportunity --
helping parents give their children opportunities to succeed in
school and in life," said Harriet Meyer, president of the Ounce of
Prevention Fund and co-chair of the Illinois Early Learning Council.
"For children with the greatest needs, we will begin before
preschool, starting in the first days of life."
"This program will allow the children that we service additional
teaching staff and support services that will prove to advance their
educational careers," said Kimberly Bianchini, president and
independent operator of Advance Preschool Inc.
"As the summer winds down, I'd rather see kids back in school
than in the back of my squad car," says Orland Park Police Chief Tim
McCarthy, state director of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Illinois.
"Kids who attend quality preschool are more likely to complete high
school and less likely to commit crimes. Law enforcement leaders
know this, and researchers from our most esteemed academic
institutions agree. I applaud the governor and Illinois' legislators
for voting for preschool, and for a safer Illinois."

Investments in early childhood education also pay enormous
economic dividends in the long term. Based on certain economic
returns like increased earning potential, decreased dependency on
social services and on the justice system, it is estimated that
society receives $7.14 for every $1 spent on early child care
programs. That means the $90 million Blagojevich has invested over
the last two years would yield at least $643 million in savings over
the lifetime of those children. A newer study released in November
2004 found an even higher rate of return -- showing a savings of
more than $17 for every $1 invested.
Despite unprecedented budget deficits inherited from the Ryan
administration, Blagojevich has made early childhood education a top
priority, fulfilling his promise to increase investments in the
Early Childhood Block Grant by $90 million over three years, and
then increasing it by another $45 million this year. Thanks to that
commitment, this spring the national group Pre-K Now called
Blagojevich "the nation's premier pre-K champion." In addition, the
National Institute for Early Education Research has consistently
ranked Illinois as one of the top states for program quality.
Illinois has received praise for its teacher training, as one of the
only states to require certification for its early childhood
Education highlights of the budget include:
Investing in children
During his first three years, Blagojevich dedicated $2.3
billion of new funding into Illinois schools. This represents more
new money invested in education than any other state in the Midwest,
more than 43 other states in the nation and more than any other
administration in one term in Illinois history.
For the fourth consecutive year, Blagojevich has provided a major
increase in education funding -- $415 million more for education
from pre-kindergarten through high school. The budget also funds
landmark initiatives proposed by the governor, including universal
preschool, a pilot program to reduce class sizes in kindergarten
through third grade and a grant for families struggling to afford
the high costs of college. The total increase in education funding
over four years is $3.8 billion, and the year-to-year increase from
fiscal 2003 to fiscal 2007 is $1.5 billion.
School funding increases
This year's budget includes a $415 million increase for education
spending for pre-kindergarten through high school, bringing the
state's new funding for education to more than $3.8 billion over the
last four years. This represents the largest increase by an
administration in Illinois history.
Helping middle-class families pay for college
Building on his ongoing efforts to make college more affordable
for students and families, Blagojevich provided the Monetary Award
Program with its largest increase in 10 years, a boost of 10 percent
over fiscal 2006, and expanded the program to help middle-income
families as well. With a new investment of $34.4 million, Illinois
will create MAP Plus to help middle-class families who don't qualify
for the traditional MAP grants and who struggle to afford rising college
tuition costs. MAP Plus will provide a grant of $500 per student for
sophomores, juniors and seniors who attend college in Illinois. An
additional increase of $34.4 million will boost MAP grants to their
statutory maximum of up to $4,968, which will help more students and
their parents afford college. In total, 225,000 students will
benefit from the creation of MAP Plus and the additional funding for
Classroom size reduction
To reduce the size of Illinois kindergarten through third-grade
classrooms, Blagojevich earmarked $10 million to help schools pay
for more teacher salaries and benefits.
Senate Bill 2882, sponsored by Sen. Terry Link and Rep. Michael
Smith, creates a pilot program that will distribute the $10 million
award as $50,000 grants among schools throughout the state. More
teachers mean smaller classes. And, smaller classes mean more
attention for each student from the teacher and a better learning
Increase for higher education
This year's budget includes a $48 million increase for higher
education. Universities will receive more than $18 million to
attract and retain the best faculty, and community college grants
will increase by almost $7 million.
In addition to his efforts in expanding access to early childhood
education, Blagojevich has also been committed to expanding access
to health care for children in Illinois. In November, he signed a
law creating the All Kids program, which provides all Illinois
children with access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance.
[News release from the governor's office]