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Lincoln AMVETS report          Send a link to a friend

[JUNE 3, 2006]  Lincoln AMVETS Post 71 met and much business was discussed and handled.

Thank-yous were read for Memorial Scholarship Fund donations and Christmas gifts for veterans residing in local nursing homes.

Three donations from citizens were announced. These are to be used for the cost of replacements after the recent damage to flagpoles and flags at All Veterans Park. It was noted also that there is now a $1,000 reward offered for the arrest of those responsible.

Bricks are still being sold for $35 each. Forms are available in the container at the park or by calling 732-8829. It is hoped that bricks that have been ordered can be laid the first part of June. To date, 1,985 bricks have been sold, and there is still a space to be filled. Anyone interested in purchasing a brick is asked to order immediately so that they can be laid with the others on hand. Remember, these are wonderful, thoughtful gifts for any occasion.

Post 71 thanks the three ladies who have donated toward the cost of replacements after the damage done. It is much appreciated and financially helpful.

The membership was reminded of the annual Memorial Day service at the local courthouse on May 29 at 10:30 a.m. AMVETS would like to see a big crowd there to honor the men and women who have sacrificed their lives, limbs, eyesight and hearing, plus those in hospitals. The crowds should be much larger, showing their respect and love to their veterans.

There was discussion of including the Medal of Honor winners from Illinois in the Veterans Honor Roll. Three names are known at the present time. Ernest Calvin Williams left from Broadwell, Henry Fox from Lincoln and John Wade McDonald from Waynesville. If anyone has knowledge of any other Medal of Honor winners, please send all the information you can supply to 1417 N. Logan St. The local group wishes to honor all who left from Illinois.

Many pamphlets and forms on various projects were displayed and discussed.

  • The Illinois Veterans History Project from the Illinois Secretary of State Veterans Advisory Council for each veteran's history.

  • AMVETS Operation DVD, concerning the sending of DVDs to service personnel, since their activities have been hampered so much, due to snipers, etc.

[to top of second column]

  • A form was presented to members for the purchase of a gold membership card if they so desired.

  • The Soldier's Freedom Team Salute forms were available for pickup and submission, saluting those spouses, parents and employers who have supported our soldiers.

  • AMVETS is sponsoring the National Symposium for the Needs of Young Veterans, which will be in Chicago in October. This is a very big project and will help those veterans now coming home and in need of assistance.

  • A Parkinson's research report booklet was passed around.

  • It was reported that you can now click on Lincoln Daily News to find the AMVETS listing. The names of those now serving are being carried. AMVETS Post 71 is the proud sponsor of this listing.

  • A pamphlet on the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago St. Leo Campus for Veterans was displayed and explained. They are the sponsors of a homeless shelter for veterans. Some buildings are under way at the present time. There are 300,000 veterans who sleep on the streets of the country they defended. Of those, 18,000 are in Chicago. St. Leo's wants to give them a place of shelter. AMVETS has joined St. Leo's in this project by donating $1.5 million, with $250,000 more to go on this project each of the next three years.

Officers were elected:

  • Commander: Arnold Haak

  • 1st vice commander: Michael Haak

  • 2nd vice commander: William Bryson

  • Adjutant: Larry Van Bibber

  • Finance officer: Arnold Haak

  • Judge advocate and chaplain: Lester Van Bibber

  • Provost marshal: Bruce Huskins

  • Service officers: Nancy Haak and Everett Cobb

Dates of the upcoming meetings of Post 71 were announced: July 17, Sept. 18 and Nov. 20. All start at 4 p.m. and are at 1417 N. Logan St. in Lincoln.

[News release from Arnold Haak, commander, Lincoln AMVETS Post 71]

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