Regulators take action on unlicensed locksmiths
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fraudulent locksmith activities
[SEPT. 29, 2006]
CHICAGO -- The Blagojevich administration
announced on Tuesday that it is taking a series of steps designed to
protect Illinoisans when they need to hire a locksmith. The
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, which regulates
locksmiths, has noted a growing number of complaints about
unlicensed locksmiths and has discovered that any identifiable
address for these unlicensed businesses is sometimes located in
another state and that the phone number that customers may call is,
in fact, a phone switch answered in another city or state.
On Tuesday, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional
Regulation summarily suspended the license of Dependable Locks and
its owner, David Peer, based in New York, for filing its license
application with a fraudulent address that was not the location of
its locksmith business and for failing to cooperate with the
department in its investigation. Dependable Locks also failed to
provide the department with a list of its licensed staff. Last
month, the department suspended the license of Price Line, which was
also based in New York. Both companies listed their businesses with
Illinois addresses, advertised their businesses in phone
directories, and used local phone exchanges and business names in
their ads. A formal hearing on Tuesday's action is scheduled for
Oct. 19 at 10 a.m. The department must schedule a hearing within 30
days of issuing a temporary suspension order.

When a customer
called the local number, the phone call was transferred to an
exchange in New York, where the order was logged and a worker was
dispatched to perform the work. Illinois law requires that every
locksmith agency employee have a permanent employee registration
card or a locksmith license in order to do business as a locksmith.
Also, each agency must be licensed under its own name.
"Illinois consumers have the right to expect that locksmiths are
accountable to their customers and the laws of the state of
Illinois," said Daniel E. Bluthardt, director of the Division of
Professional Regulation at the Department of Financial and
Professional Regulation. "Through the actions we are taking today,
we hope that unlicensed locksmiths will be caught and prosecuted to
the fullest extent of the law."
[to top of second column]
 "We need to ensure that the locksmiths who have access to our
homes and businesses are professional and trustworthy," said
Illinois State Police Director Larry Trent. “We depend on these
individuals to provide a sense of security and a safe environment
for our families. An unlicensed locksmith places the public at risk
by potentially defrauding citizens through criminal acts against the
person or his property."
The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation has
requested the assistance of law enforcement agencies across the
state to help shut down these fraudulent businesses. The Private
Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security and Locksmith Act of 2004
provides that unlicensed locksmith work can be prosecuted as a Class
A misdemeanor for a first offense and as a Class 4 felony for
subsequent offenses.
"When unlicensed companies take advantage of Illinois customers,
the profession suffers," said Mike Bronzell, vice president of the
Illinois Indiana Locksmith Association. "That's why our organization
will be working to spread the word that locksmiths in Illinois must
be licensed and held accountable for their work. We're pleased the
department is taking aggressive action against unlicensed locksmith
companies in Illinois, and we will continue to help consumers find
out whether the company they call is licensed and in good standing
in Illinois."
The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation has
created a special logo and
Web resource
to help consumers find out if the locksmith they are planning to
hire is licensed by the state. Hardware stores and media outlets are
also being asked to help stop the problem of unlicensed locksmith
practitioners working in Illinois.
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation news release] |