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Real Estate [see
Publisher's Notice]
sale: Beautiful historic home at 518 College Ave. 4 BRs, 2 baths, CA, gas
FP, basement, deck, 2-car detached garage with workshop. Mature trees on a big double lot.
New contact number: 608-361-1854.
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Sale: 180 Half Moon, Lincoln. Good curb appeal, three bedroom
brick ranch in great location. One and one half baths, attached garage,
new furnace and central air, new "quick hot" water heater. Gas log
fireplace fenced yard, newer kitchen and much more! Call to see
today. $128,000
Sale: 120 Lincoln Avenue, Lincoln. Stately colonial on lighted
boulevard! Offers three bedrooms, one and one half baths, heated, two
car attached garage. Located on a gorgeous, extra large lot, close to
all amenities. You'll be proud to call this one home. Price reduced to
only $215,000.
Sale: 1257 Lakeview Dr. - OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, July 29 - 1-3 P.M. -
Hosted by Tracy Horn Lovely 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with above ground
pool! You won't want to miss this open house plus new price!
105 N.
Washington, Hartsburg - NEW LISTING! - Great home in local community. 3
bedrooms, 4+ attached garage, family room, huge laundry room, nice deck
in back. This is a wonderful home. $124,900
Listing: 1322-1300th Street. Nice large yard with mature
tree's. Lot's of new updates. This property is a must see. Call Doris &
Associates today!
Listing: 655 1700th Street. Enjoy the quiet in this lovely
country home. Beautifully landscaped with mature trees large lot. Call
Doris & Associates to see this property today.
Sale: 602 Wichita Ave. 3 Bdrm, full basement, 2 car
detached garage located on corner lot. Enclosed front porch, all
appliances stay.
Sale: 101 S Madison. 3 Bdrm, full basement ready for you to
finish. Great potential located on corner lot, mature trees.
Sale: 711 NE Sixth, Atlanta. Lovely 3 bedroom home on the edge
of town. Cathedral ceilings in great room. Secluded Master Suite
Full basement, 120x330 lot. Must see! $180's
Sale: 301 N Drewley, Atlanta. Wonderful home for entertaining!
3 bedrooms, new ceramic tile in entry and in front of wood burning
fireplace. Spacious rooms. Lovely screened patio/breezeway. $120's
