Breakfast bingo The Oasis will have breakfast bingo on
Thursday, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast, featuring french toast
casserole, will be served at 9 a.m. Bingo will follow, sponsored by
Liberty Village. Tickets are available at The Oasis for $3.50.
Meeters and Greeters
The Meeters and Greeters group will meet Monday, beginning at 2
p.m., at the senior center. This group of volunteers visits once a
month with those who cannot get out, to add a bright spot in their
life. If you would like to participate or would like more
information, call 732-6132
Oasis belles
The Oasis Red Hat group will meet on Tuesday, beginning at 11
a.m. Please call 732-6132 by noon Monday to make a lunch
Tuesday lunch
The 11:30 a.m. lunch for Sept. 4 features ham salad sandwiches,
potato chips, veggies and dip, dessert, and drink for $3.75, or
$3.25 if you stay and play cards. The reservation deadline is Monday
[Text from Oasis news release]