The Veterans Honor Roll project continues, with requests for forms
and completed forms being received. This project will continue until
the balance of 250 or so spaces are filled. If you wish a brick to
be laid in honor of your loved one, please send in your completed
order form to the address on the form, with your check for $35 for
each brick.Under the Americanism program, the post members and
post for All Veterans Park continue to fly their flags 24/7 if
lighted, otherwise daily. Members attended the "Portrait of a
Soldier" ceremony, with their banner and American flag present, and
continue to participate in military funerals, both local and at Camp
Butler in Springfield, with a total evaluation of $2,172.88 for this
A scholarship donation was sent in honor of an AMVETS father.

Under community service, a member volunteers at the local food
pantry; 20 cards of various kinds were sent; members individually
donate to the food pantry, world hunger and world relief; members
attend funeral visitations, transport senior citizens and send
memorials for deceased; five new books titled "Red, White and Brave"
were donated to the local library; recycled magazines and newspapers
are placed in a local fast-food restaurant news rack, with more
magazines and newspapers provided to a local nursing home library;
giving a total evaluation for this period of $1,295.77.
[to top of second column]


It was announced that the next meeting will be May 19, 2008.
On Dec. 19, members will distribute Christmas gifts to veterans
residing in the three local nursing homes. Those wishing to
participate are asked to meet at the Haak residence, 1417 N. Logan
St., at 1 p.m.
Donation was made to the Gifts for Yanks Who Gave program to help
with giving a Christmas gift to every veteran residing in the
hospitals and nursing homes in Illinois.
The bulletin on "State of Illinois Property Tax Relief for
Veterans, Seniors, Homeowners, & Disabled Persons" was explained. As
this information concerns so many people at this time, it is
available by clicking here.
[Text from news release received from
Arnold Haak, Lincoln AMVETS Post 71 commander]
