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Real Estate [see
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.jpg) For
Sale: 205 N. Logan, Chestnut. Beautifully, refurbished home
offers tumbled marble countertops, Schrock Cabintry, ceramic flooring &
so much more! Recently taken down to the core and redone with the best
of tastes. Large lot, low taxes , ample garage capacity. $84,500
_small.jpg) For
Sale: 27 Tulip Drive, Lincoln. New roof, central air, garage
door opener are just a few of the numerous updated features found here.
Full basement for extra living space, attached garage, lovely tiered
deck and fenced yard! Easy walk to LCHS and the recreation center.
Sale: Sun. 12-1:30. 558 Tenth, Lincoln. Doris Oltmanns host.
Large garage with workshop. Beautiful hardwood floors, huge kitchen with
ample cabinets. Custom made fireplace mantel. Two decks, two carports.
Listing: 319 E. Spring, Mt. Pulaski. Great location,
huge yard with decorative pond. Close to shopping, 30x24 garage, and
barn. Large deck. Some new windows.
Reduced: 104 Crestwood. You'll love all seasons with this
exceptional 4 Bdrm, 2 bath home. Relax & enjoy by the fireplace, on the
3 tier deck, in the inground pool or in the sunroom.
Sale: 5 Canterbury Lane. 4 Bdrm, 3 bath custom built home has
alot to offer. Gorgeous kitchen/dining, fireplace, enclosed 3 season
room. Fantastic full finished basement with carpeting, bar/play area,
lounge area & additional private room.
Sale: 711 NE Sixth, Atlanta. Just Like Country!
Lovely 3 bedroom home on the edge of town. 120x330 lot. Cathedral
ceilings, secluded Master suite. Wood burning fireplace and full
_small.jpg) For
Sale: 301 N Drewley, Atlanta. Well maintained ranch!
3 bedrooms, 170x147 lot, 1 car attached garage & 2 car det. garage. Wood
burning fireplace. Spacious rooms, screened patio/breezeway
Sale: 2055 2150th Avenue, Atlanta. 1 acre of country!
Easy access to I-55. Lovely remodeled home. New family room with
fireplace. 3 bedrooms, basement, gorgeous oak kitchen!
Sale: 704 N. Jefferson - Newly reduced price! This is a
wonderful home which has been totally remodeled. All new mechanicals,
kitchen, bathrooms, carpet, new addition w/2 car attached garage! Make
your Christmas bright with this new home! Call Nobbe Realty Group at
735-5090 today!!
Sale: 225 Mayfair Drive - Lovely home in great neighborhood
ready for you to spend the Christmas season in. Family room, 3 bedrooms,
fenced in yard and attached one car garage. To see this home just call
Nobbe Realty Group at 735-5090 and we will be happy to show it to you at
your convenience.