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[July 20, 2007]  (AP) Wet weather that has beset parts of the Northeast will begin to move out to sea early Friday. Showers and thunderstorms are still possible into the early afternoon, however.

Heavy afternoon thunderstorms are likely around Cape Hatteras, the Carolinas and the Gulf Coast states.

Wet weather is also expected to persist throughout the Rockies as heavy winds continue to bring moist air into parts of the Southwest and Wyoming. Lightening is expected in lower areas west of the mountains, increasing the danger of fire throughout the already dry region, where temperatures are expected to rise throughout the week.

A storm is expected to move into Washington's coastal waters, bringing wet weather to the Pacific Northwest. Most of the precipitation will likely remain west of the Cascades and north of California, but a few showers could make it as far south as Crescent City.

Temperatures in the lower 48 states Thursday ranged from a low of 39 degrees at Alturas, Calif., to a high of 116 degrees at Death Valley, Calif.


On the Net:

Weather Underground:

National Weather Service:


[Associated Press article from Weather Underground]


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